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When I was attacked, I felt something happening to me. An inner rage took over that I could not control. I knew I had to fight back, and I was not afraid to. What scared me was the power that was radiating within me.

When he put his hand on my mouth, I felt instant disgust. How dare he even think of touching me. This guy said we were going to have fun. He was right about that. I was going to have fun, kicking his ass. Which I did.

I heard a growl echo throughout the house. I could not believe it came from me. I froze in astonishment for a second before lashing out again. I felt this tingling heat building in my left hand before I brought it up punching him in the face. I gaped at my hand, baffled before the glowing white light died out. What the fu—

After Max and Liam left, I went into the bathroom to grab a brush to clean up. I looked in the mirror at myself. My hair was dried but was all over the place thanks to him dragging me around. I then looked closer in the mirror and noticed my eyes. They were brown with a red hue to them. Since when did I have red in my eyes? I watched as the red slowly disappeared until nothing was left but the brown. I am losing it. That is all there is to it.

I sprayed the carpet and started scrubbing. I thought about the night's events. The ungodly growling, the anger, the urge to fight back, and the glowing light. I cannot wrap my head around any of it. I take my frustrations out on the carpet, but the blood was not coming up.

Max comes in and chuckles at my frustration. Not funny dude. With me still feeling off my axis, I asked him to stay with me. I didn't want to be alone. Not because I was afraid or anything. I just wanted company to keep my mind off what happened or from going crazy. Being around Max always had a calming affect so who better to stay with me.

I slept so well, I had amazing dreams. Max and I married with kids and living happily ever after. I know, cliché. I woke up in Max's arms and was happy that he was still there. I admit I got a little childish when he told he was going home. But after he explained he had things to do and that he promised to always be here, I felt better. My heart soared when he told me I captured his heart and that I meant the world to him. I felt a million times better. I told him the feelings were mutual and we went our separate ways. I thought back to the marriage packet, Cuddler check.

At school, I noticed that Zeke and Tiny were somewhat stalking me. I found it comical. Max, I love you but come on. I can take care of myself. Clearly. If they step into the girl's bathroom, I am ripping their balls off.

Tess and Topher asked what was going, noticing my puppy dogs. Topher was being a little jealous. I explained to them that someone broke in last night and now Max is being overly protective. Topher then donned a remorseful face for being jealous about his crush slash boyfriend slash who the hell knows what they are, following me around.

"I'm glad you are alright. How scary," Tess says, squeezing the life out of me. I pat her on the back to let her know she can let me go anytime.

"You're choking me Tess." I was trying to get air into my lungs.

She laughs, letting me go. "Sorry sweetie. I love you and don't want anything happening to you," she says with a pout.

"And nothing will as long as I am around," the deep sultry voice states, as he slides in next to me. He leans down, giving me a kiss. "Hello wife, miss me?" Sweet biscuits and gravy. Take that voice and add what he just said, easy orgasm.

"Of course," I replied with a kiss. I felt eyes staring at me, seeing that Tess and Topher have their mouths sitting on the table and eyes the size of bowling balls. "What?"

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