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Tess screamed and dropped poor Chi-Chi. She ran off across the road toward the diner away from the danger, hopefully. I threw Tess behind me and stood in front of the three wolves with a sneer on my face. She was whimpering and shaking worse than a tree in a tornado. Her grip on my arm kept tightening by the minute. I was sure there would be bruise by the time she let go.

"Cora," she trembled. "I'm scared."

I leaned toward her a little, whispering, "Don't worry Tess. You have to trust me. I will explain everything later. Do whatever I say, and we will get out of this, I promise."

"I trust you," she forced out with a crack in her voice. She was so scared and that pissed me off. How dare they involve a human in their sick game of trying to kill me. They could have followed me home and finished me off there. No, instead they try and hurt my friend, my sister, a human! Fuck them!

I had at least one up on these stupid idiots, they didn't know I could mind link. Instantly I sent out an SOS. Max and Liam. "Uh guys, I am at the clinic and I am in trouble. I have Tess here with me too. Some wolves have emerged on us. One of them is from the other night."

Liam was quick on his response. I knew he should have been done with practice and probably doing his shift on patrol at the ranch. "On my way!"

Max took a little longer probably because he was busy doing pack business. He was only about forty-five seconds behind Liam if that. I heard growling before his actual reply. Kind of made my head hurt. "How many?"

"Three. That grey one. One red and one kind of hobo looking honestly."

The wolves took a step towards us and we moved back. Tess continued her assault on my arm and yes, I was feeling the pain. Damn her and her nails! She is cutting those freaking claws.

They continued their growling and when their eyes changed colors, I knew shit just got real. I couldn't reveal my true self, not yet anyway. At least not while Tess was glued to me like a second skin. She could get hurt and I would never forgive myself.

"Five minutes," Liam said. Shit.

I tried to move Tess and I further away from the wolves, but they saw my slow movements and that angered them. The hobo looking one shifted and snatched her right out of my grip before I could even blink. I growled at him and bared my teeth. He laughed then headed for the woods behind the sanctuary. I could hear Tess screaming and my anger raged inside. I felt my eyes change color and my hands suddenly lit up. I turned and faced the two wolves that were left. The problem with that was, only one stood in front of me. That's okay, I will kill him and find Tess.

The wolf seemed a surprised at my state. I mean you think you are trying to kill a human, yet that human isn't human at all. I smirked before stalking towards him. He took a few steps back before I cold clocked him in his snout. I have never in my life hit an animal before. It felt so wrong but screw him!

He yelped out in pain and I chuckled. He covered his muzzle with his front paw. His eyes stop glowing and I swear he was crying. "Some werewolf you are. Can't take a hit from a girl. Pansy!"

He looked up at me as if I were crazy. What? Like I didn't know who he was. Please! His disgusting friend just shifted and took my friend. Who the hell was this idiot? Was he newly shifted? Was he newly changed? Is that possible? As far as I knew, no.

I stared to run toward the back of the sanctuary when someone jumped me from behind. I felt a lot of pressure on my spine. I couldn't see who it was, but they were heavy. They were digging their claws in my shoulder blades and yeah, it hurts and burns. What, they dip their nails in acid or something?

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