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Tess's eyes dance between them. She could not get over how much they looked alike, minus the eye color and the fact that their hair color was slightly different. Whereas Bryan's hair was darker brown almost black, Ryan's hair was a light shade of brown. Plus, this guy looked a lot like Zeke. It was as if this Ryan guy could be his dad. She kept staring and gaping at him with baffled eyes.

"Take Nappy down to the cellars."

"You got it." Just as he was about to grab Nappy, he notices Tess. "Oh, a human?"

Bryan chuckles. "This is Tess. Um, kind of a long story. In short, she is friends with the kids." Ryan nods his head in acknowledgment. "She is also your future daughter-in-law," he links rather quickly with a chuckle. Ryan's eyes dilated and went void of white.

He turned his head towards his brother in astonishment. "My what? Did you say what I think you said?" Bryan nods. Tess cocks her head in different directions like a puppy. She noticed their eyes going different colors and dilating different ways. She was curious yet intrigued by it.

Ryan looks to Tess and smiles. He waves and clears his throat. "Hello Tess. It is nice to meet you. My name is Ryan."

"Hello. It is nice to meet you too. Um, before you take him to the cells, is there a way to change him back? To human I mean," she asks rather sternly. The men look at each other before looking at her again.

Bryan looks over at Nappy demanding that he shift. Nappy is left standing before them nude. A common thing for wolves of course. At first Tess turns away a little red in the face. She then turns around and strolls up to Nappy. Ryan, knowing that this is his future daughter-in-law, growls low in his chest.

She stands with a few inches from Nappy and he sneers at her. She looks him over from head to toe before snickering at him. "You really are disgusting. I can see why you had to kidnap me in the dark of night. Even a fly wouldn't want to go near someone like you. You're probably a pervert too, uh? But guess what? Dragging me by my hair is the closet you will ever get to a girl. Oh, and since you had to scare me to render me helpless and defenseless which is just cruel and unfair so now that you are rendered helpless by being scared, I am going to return the favor."

With that said, she curled her right hand as tight as she could into a fist and let it fly right into his left cheek. When he was knocked off balance, she then put all her left-over strength into her right foot and kicked as hard as she could into his crotch. He quickly cried out in pain falling to his knees while those in the nearby vicinity covered their crotches with their hands cringing.

"Damn! She is a fighter," Ryan comments.

Bryan pats him on the back. "Good luck my brother. Now get that piece of shit out of my sight."

Ryan sneers with a chuckle. "Gladly." He picks up a whining Nappy and drags him to the cellar.

Bryan looks back to Tess who is looking around at everything. "Well, how about we go wait inside. If you need to call your parents or anyone else, you can."

She nods. "Thank you. I greatly appreciate that." As they start walking, she, asks, "Where did that wolf earlier go? Is he coming back?" Bryan gulps and smiles.

Once Bryan leads Tess into the pack house, she is frozen in her spot. There are people running around naked as if it were a normal thing. Which it is, but she doesn't know that. People are laughing, eating in the large dining room, watching tv in the living room, and seemingly having a good time. She stood next to Bryan amazed at how he was unfazed by it all.

As people passed him, she noticed mainly two things. One, they bowed their heads toward him. Two, they called him Alpha. She wondered exactly why that was. Was he some sort of prince or man of high power? What exactly is an Alpha? As she watched him, he had a slight grin on his face, but it was a genuine friendly grin.

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