(Chapter 23)

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 Angelina's POV:

Mr. Mark. How did he find me? No one knows I came here but me. I looked at him in confusion and shock. He looked at me and gave me a slight nod of a head.

"Jacob Mark is that you? My oh my have you grown since then".

The vampire guy said. He walked towards Mr. Mark as he circled around him, measuring him all in. Mr. Mark looked really disgusted to be standing there.

"Shut up Loki. I just came here to get Angelina and Juliet!.

Mr. Mark said now looking at the vampire guy not afraid. The vampire guy began laughing; he put his hand onto Mr. Mark’s shoulder. I got up from the floor ignoring the pain going through my body.


I shouted really loudly at him, He turned around and gave me an evil smirk. I returned the expression by giving him a glare.

"Oh well she finally speaks".

He said keeping the same expression on his face. I look over at Juliet as she gave me a helpless look.

"Oh well would you look at that, the sisters are communicating".

I burst out laughing. He seriously is an idiot. That's for sure.

"Now what's so funny?"

He said putting his hand on his hips, as he cocked his head to the side.

"You wouldn't know what it even felt like to be loved. By a family. Mom. Dad. Brothers. Sisters. Anyone in the world. And you want to know why. Because your a cold hearted bastard who takes his anger out on people who have been loved in the world. That's you. You monster"

His smirk changed to an angry expression. He took big steps towards me but I stayed in the same spot. I'm not going to show him a weak thing. I suddenly lost my footing because of the big slap he gave me. Then a sharp pain through my stomach. I looked down and saw a stake through my stomach. No no no no no no no. I'm half vampire that means I'm going to die.

I heard Juliet screaming and Mr. Mark shouting. I looked up at the ceiling I literally saw stars going around and around. My eyes started drifting as well. When my eyes got covered with nothing but darkness. And the air filled nothing but silence. 

Normally when you get the experience of dyeing, it's like you slip into a coma and you don't know what's going on. That's what it's like for me right now. I can't hear Juliet's voice, Mr. Marks or that vampire guys. I can hear another voice which is calling me towards them.

I'm walking. I'm walking through a tunnel it's dark and I'm really scared for the first time in my life. I see a bright light ahead of me it's a really small light but I can still see it. I used my legs to sprint faster and the light got bigger and bigger. The light was really bright so I walked through it with my eyes closed.

I opened my eyes and this has got to be the most beautiful place I've ever seen in my life. It's like a small little paradise. For once I do not hate the sun it felt amazing for the warmth of it to reflect on my face. There were little roses and flowers surrounding me and the nice small green grass underneath my barefoot.

I looked up and saw a figure coming towards me. I squinted my eyes to look carefully. It was Sam. She looked beautiful. Her face was nice and flawless, her hair was curled and she had a long white dress on. She came towards me and took my hands in hers.

"Angelina you need to go. It's not your time yet. Juliet, Tyler and your dad need you".

I looked back and forth between her eyes and shook my head.

"But I don't want to leave this place is so peaceful and warm. I want to stay here".

I said looking around me. Sam's hands tightened on mine. I looked back at her, she looked angry and upset.

"Please Angelina this place isn't for you yet. You really need to go!"

She said desperately. I shook my head again. She let go off my hands and sighed.

"Fine then I'll have to call someone else".

She turned her back towards me and left the direction she came towards.

"Sam wait where are you going?"

She didn't turn around but she just left. I felt someone's hand on my shoulder I turned around it was............mom. My face broke into a smile as I looked at her face.

"Mom. It's you it's actually you".

I said jumping a little. Mom smiled at me as she took my hand.

"Honey you need to go. It's not your time yet".

Mom said to me. I looked at her confused. What does she mean it's not my time yet?

"You need to do what's right and save your sister and everyone else. I will always be next to you. Here you go".

She took off her necklace as she placed it in my hand. I looked at the necklace. It was beautiful. It was a small heart silver necklace.

"This is to show you that even though I'm not with you, my soul will always be with you".

I looked at her and nodded my head.

"Now go and run my child".

I gave her one small smile before walking back into the darkness. All the peace was suddenly gone and was replaced by pain. I felt myself open my eyes. I'm back to where I was. In the same room where the vampire guy stabbed me with the stake. I slowly brought my hand towards the stake and ripped it out of my stomach. I bit my lip holding back the pain. I brought myself up holding my stomach in process as I got up with shaking legs. Juliet wasn't on the chair anymore and Mr. Marks wasn't here as well. I turned around and saw dad, Tyler, Mr. Marks and Juliet tied to some chairs. They all had a shock look on his face.

"This is impossible".

I looked to my left and saw the vampire guy dropping the stake on the floor.

What's your little secret (Book 1 and sequel) *MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now