PART 2 (Chapter 13)

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Angelina's POV:

"Look you don't need to keep me behind"

I got up from my seat.


He yelled loudly. I took a step back in fear and sat back down in my seat. What crawled up his ass and died in there.

Normally he is always flirting and being the charmer he is.

"Look I'm sorry"

I heard him say softly. I looked up to see his eyes full of regret. I looked away from me out the window.

"I'm just mad"

I heard him say. I nodded my head but still didn't look at him. 

"Why are you mad?"

I heard myself say. Everything was dead silent and couldn't even hear the needle drop.

"You missed our date"

I was about to say something but shut my mouth. That's all he cares about. I've been in so much pain and all he cares about is the date.

I turned to look at him and glared.

"I've been in so much pain and you care about the date!

He shrugged and looked down. This is honestly pathetic.

"I cannot believe you. I thought you were supposedly supposed to be my mate. But you’re just a self centred cold heartless bastard"

I got up with my bag and ran out the door. I spotted Ty standing next to my locker and went to him. He saw me and smiled.

"So how much trouble are you in?"

I shrugged.

"He let me off for a warning"

Ty nodded his head and grabbed my hand leading me to our next lesson.


"I'm starving!"

I said loudly holding onto my stomach. Ty laughed beside me.

"Good! Finally you’re eating something without throwing up or fainting"

I smiled and waited in the cue. I ended up getting a cheese burger, can of coke, two chocolate brownies and two flapjacks.

Me and Ty sat in our usual places when I remembered I promised dad I would come home. Shit! I need to find Dustin

"Ty I got to go"

He looked at me confused. 

"What do you mean you have to go?"

"I promised dad I would come home at lunch"

Ty gave me a confused look

"But the school won't let you go"

I rolled my eyes.

"They will because they can phone dad themselves"

I got up from my seat smoothing down the skirt.

"Well at least put your lunch in your bag. You can eat it when you go home"

I nodded my head in agreement. The burger came in a box so that fit and I put the rest in, closing the zipper

I gave Ty a hug from the back and walked out the cafeteria. Where am I going to find Dustin? I spotted his friend Tom and ran over to him.

"Hey Tom have you seen Dustin?"

"Oh he's in Mr. Hunter’s classroom"

What is he doing in his classroom? I mumbled thanks and went of to go to the classroom. I looked down when I was making my way.

I stumbled into someone's chest and said sorry. The person held onto my arm which caused a spark to light of.

I looked up and saw that it was the new kid. Great! Just what I needed.


He said dashing me a smiling. I gave him a small smile back but he still wouldn't let go of my wrist.

"Look can you please let me go your hurting me"

He gave me another smile and just held onto my wrist tighter. I bit my lip in pain he was causing me

"I swear I will scream!"

He smirked at me.

"No one will be able to hear you"

I looked over his shoulder and saw Mr. Hunter’s classroom. There was a big body covering the door which was Mr. Hunter.

But I could see Dustin talking to him.


I screamed. Suddenly, my back got slammed into the locker hard and it stung really badly. I looked up at him and saw his eyes were black

Shit his wolf has taken over

"Please just let me go"

I said my tears threatening to fall out. I looked to my right to see Dustin was still talking to Mr. Hunter. They never heard me.


He covered my mouth up with his big sweaty hand. My tears were rolling down onto his hand. 


My wolf said. I listened to her and kicked him in their hard. His face twisted with shock and pain. I quickly ran to Mr. Hunter’s room.

I pulled the door handle but it never opened. They were both standing at the back of the classroom. I turned around and saw Matthew making his way towards me.

This is like a horror movie except it's not night and I'm in school. But everyone is just deaf. I slammed onto the door crying my ass of.

I saw Dustin look at the door in shock before he ran to it and quickly opened it. I hugged him and cried on his shoulder.

"Angelina what happened? Why are you crying? Who did this to you?!"

Dustin said throwing me with questions as he looked into my eye. I turned around to point in the ball but he was gone.

I felt a nice warm hand on my arm I turned around and saw Mr. Hunter looking at me worriedly.

"Dustin go to the nurse and get a glass of water for her

Dustin nodded his head and ran out the classroom. He made me sit down on the chair and he sat on his knees on the floor beside me

His fingers were rubbing up and down on my thigh gently. I calmed down and looked at him.

"What happened?"

He said gently, like he was talking to a small baby. I opened my mouth but no words managed to get out and I ended up crying all over again.

He sat up and hugged me. I hugged him back crying onto his shoulder. This felt right all of it felt right. And I hope it can stay like that


What's your little secret (Book 1 and sequel) *MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now