(Chapter 19)

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"Dad if I don't play the game how will I no if it's dangerous or not?".

"Angelina just please come back home".

"I love you dad".

I cut the phone of and put it back in my pocket. Just remember that dad. Just remember that. I ran towards the entrance of the house.

Angelina's POV:

The house is suprisingly very clean. Normally haunted houses are really dirty and dusty the person that 'used' to live here must have been real clean.

"Hello. Hello. Is anyone here?". No answer just really dead silence. Oh I just want to find this person and get out of this place.

"Who's here?". I heard a girl say. I looked around but no one was here. That's strange where is the girl's voice coming from then?

"Look just come out I'm not going to hurt you". The voice didn't reply back. I heard a shuffling noise from behind me. I turned around I could see someone's shadow.

Out came a young good looking brunette. She looks so weak poor girl. Was she the one who was crying? And do I need to help her?

"Hey it's ok I'm not going to hurt you". She came a bit forward I could see her eyes widen. 

"Are you Angelina Smith?". She said steping a bit more forward. She's quiet short but she's pretty with her big brown eyes. How does she know my name?

"Yes. Why?". Her face broke into a smile.

"I'm your sister".

What's your little secret (Book 1 and sequel) *MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now