(Chapter 6)

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I felt something really wet on me I opened my eyes and saw Dustin had a bucket in his hands and realized he had thrown water all over me. He was trying really hard not to laugh. 
"What the fuck dude!".
"It was the only way to get you up". He smirked at me. 
"You didn’t even wake me!". 
"I know but you take forever to get up so this was a quicker way". 
"I hate you!". 
"And I love you, now get changed we are going to leave in half an hour". 
Dustin left my room I quickly slipped in the shower once I was done I wore a plain blue v-neck t shirt with blue skinny jeans with brown converses and to top it of, I wore my faux leather brown jacket and for my face I wore clear lip gloss with a bit of mascara. I went down the stairs and realized I only had 1 minute left so I quickly grabbed a banana and start munching it, I threw it in the bin went out and found Dustin looking at my red Ferrari he turned around with a shocked face. 
"What you don’t like my car?". 
"Wait this is your car its awesome where did you get it". He started walking around it. 
"Oh I brought it back home and I didn’t want to leave it behind so I brought it with me". I walked over to the car and stood next to Dustin. 
"Can we ride this to school?". He looked at me with big eyes. 
"No way dude I don’t want to cause a scene". 
"Well I do girls will be all over me". He started pointing at his body and face. 
"Fine but I’m driving let me go get the keys". 
I ran inside and found the keys went back out unlocked the door and started driving, Dustin was telling me the directions when we finally reached there I parked the car and people were staring well this is great I got out of the car locked it and went by Dustin side. 
"People are staring at us". I whispered 
"I know". I looked at him he had a smirk on his face 
I went to the office and got my timetable I had algebra, biology, music, calculus, English, history and gym. Well the good thing was I had history and gym I’m a total history buff and I love sports. 
Algebra, biology and music were the worst subjects in this school I mean the teachers don’t even know how to teach they just gave us text books and we just had to work out the problems, then finally lunch came I entered the cafeteria and it was packed I grabbed my lunch and saw my brother coming he took my lunch tray grabbed me by the hand and made me sit down at the table surrounding other people, who were just staring at me Dustin put my lunch tray in front of me and sat down next to me. 
"Um you guys this is my sister Angelina". He pointed at me all of the people from the table were staring at me. 
"Hey" they all said together 
"Hi" I said in a whisper 
"So you’re the owner of the red Ferrari". Said one of the guys no offence he kind of looked gay when he smiled. 
"Um yes that’s my car". I smiled at him and sat next to Dustin. 
"You know maybe me and you can have a little joy ride in mine". He winked at me; Dustin saw him and gave him a glare. 
"Hey dude that’s my sister". 
"Yes take a chill pill I was only joking". He started eating his pizza. 
"Yes I know you and I know you don’t  joke". The guy stuck his tongue out at Dustin, I began eating and started talking to the guys. 
Ahem someone said from behind my back I turned around it was a blonde and she had a cheerleaders outfit on I’m guessing she’s going to be a bitch then. 
"Yes". She folded her arm and glared at me. 
"You’re sitting in my seat". 
"You don’t own the seat". Everyone went quiet and took in the scene. 
"Do you know how I am". I stood up and she took a step towards me. 
"Yes I do your the stuck up bitch cheerleader". 
People started saying ohhhhhhhh is she going to take that. 
Ok and you’re a fuckin slut" She got some water and threw it on my face I felt my blood getting warm and just punched her in the face she landed on the floor and blood was coming out people were staring at me, I quickly ran out of the cafeteria and went to the library I found a corner and just sat there, I just sat there thinking, what did I do? Why did I do that? I was still thinking when I heard someone clear there throat, I looked up and saw a guy and trust me he was hot he had dark brown hair and it was all spiked he had hazel eyes a little bit of a big nose and his smile just melted me. 
"Do you mind if I join you". He pointed next to me. 
"Yes I mean no....sorry... yes you can join me". He smiled 
"Thanks". He came over and sat next to me 
He turned around looked at me and said "I saw what you did in the cafeteria". 
"Yes I was really angry". I started playing with my fingers I could feel his gaze on me. 
"I just came to check if you were ok". I looked at him and smiled. 
"Why you starting to stalk me now". 
"No you seemed pretty upset and angry so I thought id come to check if you were ok". 
"That’s really sweet thanks". 
"Your welcome, so what’s your name?". He fully faced my way and looked at me 
"You tell me yours first". 

"Ok my name is Tyler what's yours?" 

"My name is Angelina". I put my hand forward and he shook it, sparks everyone boom. 
"Well very nice to meet you Angelina". He let go of my hand letting it drop. 
"So tell me about yourself". 
"What do you want to know?". 
"Well your favourite stuff, hobbies and what you hate". 
"Ok ask me then". He rubbed his hands together 
"Um what’s your favourite colour". 

"Baby Blue". He smiled; I looked down at his shirt which was blue as well. 
"Favourite shoe?"  "Vans". He even had vans on. 
"Favourite Music artist?"
"Black eyed peas". 
"Favourite actress?"
"Jessica Simpson".
"Favourite actor?"
"Tom Cruise and Mike Meyers". 
"Favourite movie?
"Favourite ice-cream flavour?"
"Favourite type of food?"
"Chinese and Mexican". 
"Favourite sports?"
"Football, Baseball, Basketball".
"Brothers or sisters?"
"Ok that’s all I can think of". I leaned back on the wall of books and looked at him. 
"Ok now its my turn to ask you questions". 
"Ok hit me". 
"What is your favourite colour"? 
"Black and red". He laughed I have no idea why. 
"Favourite Singer?"
"Bruno Mars and Taylor Swift". 
"Favourite Song?" 
"Jason Mraz I’m Yours". He smiled at me. "Good choice of song". 
"Favourite Band?"
"Can I give 3?"
"Ok fine". He crossed his arm together and pretended to look angry
"The wanted, one republic and the script".
"Favourite food?"

"Junk". This time we both laughed 
"Favourite Movie?"
"Titanic". He sighed. "Classic girl choice of movie". I gave him a glare that made him laugh. 
"Favourite Actor?"
"Leonardo Di caprio and Ryan Rosling".
"Favourite actress?"
"Kristen Stewart and Emma Stone".
"Favourite Tv sport?"
"Favourite football team?"
"Favourite footballer?"
"Cristiano Ronaldo". 
"Any brothers or sisters?" 
"I have a brother but my dad adopted him".  
"Cool what’s his name?" 
"Dustin he goes to this school". His face lit up. 
"Wait Dustin is your brother?". 
"Yes why?". 
"Where like best friends". Oh yes Dustin is friends with Tyler, at least I like one of his friends. 
"Wow that’s awesome". 
BRING!!!!!!!!! BRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Looks like I got to go to lesson". I stood up so did he. 
"What lesson you got?" He said to me. 
"Oh I got history". 
"That’s great I’m with you". Thank god I know someone from the class. 
"Good that means you can walk me".

What's your little secret (Book 1 and sequel) *MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now