PART 2 (Chapter 6)

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Angelina's POV:

"I can barely feel my legs".

I said feeling really annoyed. Juliet gave me a sad look. After my so called 'mate' went I got some sleep.

"Don't worry you'll be better in no time".

She said touching my arm in comfort. I gave her a disapproving look.

"Something's on your mind".

She said. I looked straight at her.

"What do you mean there's something on my mind?"

She sighed and leaned back into her chair crossing her arms over her chest.

"I'm your sister I know. Come on what's up. Is it the Mr. Mark issue?"

I shook my head and looked down. How am I supposed to tell Juliet about my teacher being my mate?

"Well while you were asleep this guy-

"Oh my god did you just say guy. Finally you’re dating someone. How is he like?"

I looked at her with wide eyes

"Juliet what's with the questions? Calm down I'll tell you".

She nodded her head eagerly in response.

"Well while you were asleep this guy came in. And well he told me that he is my mate".

This time she widened her eyes.

"You found your mate that's amazing".

She said with her face breaking into a smile.

"Yeh I know but he is my teacher and is a vampire".

Juliet's face broke down from the smile into a blank expression.

"You have to tell dad".

I shook my head as a no.

"I can't tell dad. And by the way that mate of mine is taking me out for dinner tomorrow so we can get to know each other better".

She nodded her head while I spoke each word.

"Ok then that's good. Get to know him and stuff then tell dad".

I nodded my head. I rested back onto the uncomfortable bed and looked at the ceiling.

"This is so weird".

I turned sideways and looked at Juliet.

"What is?"

"I'm a werewolf and Tyler is a vampire. Dad was a werewolf and was in love with mom who was a vampire. And now it's the same with you".

I nodded my head agreeing with her.

"But the good thing is if I do fall in love with this guy then there's no more Loki left anymore as well".

"Yeh your right. You'll get a happy ending"

I smiled thinking about it. Yeh I'll get a happy ending.

What's your little secret (Book 1 and sequel) *MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now