(Chapter 8)

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By the time we got home the song finished and my stomach-ache was gone we both got out the car went inside, I went staright upstairs to do my homework i put my headphones on and listened to Taylor Swift you belong with me, I finished my homework went down and found dad  talking to Dustin.

"Daddy". I jumped in my dad's arm giving him a hug, he hugged me back and put me down.

"Angel, how was school?" He said with a smile.

"It was good and intresting".

"Thats good to hear". 

"Hey dad she punched another girl in the face". Oh no why did he tell dad I am offically screwed.

"You did what!" I heard Claires voice from behind us I turned around she looked angry.

"I didnt mean to I just got really angry and even dad knows I cant control my anger". I looked at dad for support, but he just looked down.

"Young lady that is no excuse and im not trying to be mean, but each time you get angry you cant just punch them in the face".

"I know im sorry Claire". I looked down at the floor as well.

"Good now John are you going to say something to her?" I looked at dad he smiled, wow I was expecting a glare or an angry face.

"Yes I am thats my girl". Dad gave me a high 5 he looked at Claire then put on  a very serious look on his face. "Um.......... I mean never do anything like that again promise". 

"Pinky swear". I put my pinky finger in front of him he wrapped it around mine and smiled.

"Good now come on where having pizzas today". Dustin jumped in victory.

"What no posh food". Clarie and dad sighed.

"No thats only on the weekend now come on". 

Me and dad ran into the kitchen grabbed 3 slices each ran to the sofa and turned on the tv, I turned around and saw Claire and Dustin looking at me and dad.

"Arent you guys going to join us?" Dad said he's mouth was stuffed with the food.

"No i think me and Claire will be fine somewhere else, and by the way looks like its going to get a little loud around here so bye". Dustin said he grabbed Claire's hand and they both walked of.

"Yeh bye" I turned to dad

"Put on the liverpool and everton game". Dad changed the channel and put it on sky sports.

"Ok and I bet you everton are going to win". Dad isn't an everton supporter he just really hates Liverpool, because I love Liverpool.

"In your dreams dad ,liverpool all the way".

"We'll see then".

"Yes we'll see". We shook each other's hands and started watching the game.

(1 hour later)

I was standing on the sofa jumping "YES YES YES WE WON". 

"Ok ok you won now get down and go get some sleep". Dad switched of the tv, looks like he's angry.

"Ok dad good night and one more thing we won".

"Yeh yeh dont worry but you havent had the last laugh yet". 

What's your little secret (Book 1 and sequel) *MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now