(Chapter 24)

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Angelina's POV:


Dad looked up at me with a shocked smile. I gave him a smile as well.

"This is impossible I killed you. You can't be alive!"

The vampire guy said angrily. He kicked the nearest thing he could find and made a loud growling sound.

"Well you know what, I'm not backing down. You killed my mom you bastard and now you will not get away by killing my family!"

I said to him. He gave me a huge smile and began laughing. I looked at him weirdly as he clutched onto his stomach.

"You think you can take me down that easily. Well honeys keep on dreaming because it isn’t gonna happen".

I did a very surprising thing and ran full speed at him knocking him down in process. My head was on his chest, I quickly sat on him pinning his arms down.

"Oh well isn’t this nice".

He said gesturing at the position I was sitting in. I took my hand of his right arm and slapped him as hard as I could across the face.

His face stayed sideward I was about to reach for the stake but he quickly grabbed my wrist hardly. Shit that kills. 

I can feel my bones trying to break apart from them from the pain. I looked at his face; he was looking at me with a smirk on his face.

"That hurts doesn't it? That's what I was doing to your mother the exact same thing. She hated it she screamed for her life she pleaded and begged. But I still never stopped you want to know why? Because she was a ruthless, pathetic, coward who was a beg. And you’re just like her".

I felt really angry now. I ripped my arm out of his grip and punched him across the face. I could feel his warm blood on my fist now I carried on punching his face in anger.

Till I felt tears pouring out of my eyes. Because of all the pain everyone has been through. Mom's pain, dad's pain, Tyler's pain, Juliet's pain and Mr. Marks pain and the pain he has put other people through.

"You’re a monster. Why do you do that? Why do you do this to everyone? What do you get out of it? People die and are in pain because of you. What do you get out of that? What do you get out of that?"

I got up from him and walked to the other side of the room. Feeling really angry at myself for breaking down.

"Oh honey it's ok you never meant for all of this to happen".

I heard him say from behind me. I turned around and saw him now standing up looking sad.

"What do you want from me, my friends and family?"

He looked down and sighed.

"I'm already guessing you know the story to your mother and father. This is all very wrong what they did. A vampire and werewolf is forbidden but they broke the rules and so your mother paid the consequences, we couldn't kill your father because of his supernatural form. So we let it go and figured this would never happen again. But then, the same problem happened with your sister and friend. Obviously, some action had to take place so I took your sister as a slave of mine and then my love I heard you were in town and I didn't want the same action to take place so I decided to call you towards me by getting into your dreams or more like nightmares in my opinion".

This man really needs to be treated he is so sick, that is disgusts me to even look at his family considering what he has done.

"Then why did you kill Sam? What did she do that you made her kill her?

What's your little secret (Book 1 and sequel) *MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now