(Chapter 5)

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 We all finally got home and all I wanted to do was have a long nice bath. I was on my way upstairs when someone grabs my arm. I turn around to see it's none other than Claire.

"Angelina would you come here for a minute?" She says with a concerned look on her face. I wonder what happened. "So you're going to go to a new school tomorrow with Dustin. It's with both males and females, if you want me to enrol you into an all girl's one then I can" She says quickly.

"No its fine Claire, I mean Dustin's going to be there and I don't want to go to an all girl's school anyway" I have no idea what girls are like from around here. I have a feeling I'll be more comfortable being around boys than some girls.

"You'll be starting tomorrow, ok" She looks me dead in the eye waiting for me to say something. I give her a smile and nod my head. She lets out a small breath and smiles back as well.

"I'm just going to take a shower" I inform her.

"Yes you must be exhausted. Just manage to come down at seven, dinners going to be ready by then". Running up the stairs I quickly charge for the bathroom. Did I forget to mention that I have a Jacuzzi in my bathroom? I mean, how freaking awesome can this house even get? Filling the tub up, I strip out of my clothes and get in enjoying everything about this Jacuzzi. Closing my eyes, I lean my head back and start to think about last night. I need to get some information about them people who were here last night and only one person can help me with that.

(20 minutes later)

I knock on Dustin's door, I was expecting him to take his time but he quickly opened it. My eyes quickly go behind him to scan his room. Why are boys so dirty, he's just like Ethan.

"Dustin can I talk to you for a minute?" I ask him.

"Sure, come on in". He moves to the side to let me in, I take a step in when I see a half-eaten sandwich on the bedside table.

"Actually I'm fine standing here" I tell him with a tight smile on my face.

"Ok then". He had a confused look on his face; I guess he doesn't know that people are disgusted by his room.

"Anyway, do you know anyone of dad's friends called George, Dominic, Max or Samuel" Dustin's eyes widen as he starts to tense a little. Oh he most definitely knows something about them

"WHAT, NO!" He screams right into my face. Ok, I'm one-hundred per cent that he knows something about them.

"Oh ok" I say playing along. The last thing I need is for Dustin to think that I'm being suspicious.

"Why?" He asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Just. Anyway, see you downstairs" I quickly leave his sight in case he asks me other questions which I won't be able to answer.

"Hey pumpkin" Dad says noticing me once I go downstairs.

"Hey dad" I say with a smile on my face.

"Where's your brother?" He asks.

"There he is" Once Dustin sits down we all start eating like a big family.


"Hey Ethan, I miss you so much" I decided to Skype Ethan as I miss them too much.

"I miss you to Ang" He replies back with a big smile on his face.

"So how's life like there?"

"It's actually pretty good and guess what!"


"I went to Disneyland" I start clapping like a child while his smile immediately faded away.

"You went to that baby place?"

"You know I've always wanted to go there" I tell him.

"Ok ok I'm sorry, please forgive me" He puts his hand over his heart; I do the same making the both of us laugh.

"The house is amazing and I got a Jacuzzi in my bathroom". Once I state this, his eyes widened like a saucepans.

"No way" He says in a shocked tone.

"Yes way and I've got a step-mom"

"Wait you've got a step mom". He didn't look as shocked this time but Ethan is Ethan.

"Yes, she's awesome" Ethan nods his head and then asks.

"Is she hot?" Closing my eyes in disgust I hear him laugh.

"I don't know. I'm not a lesbian, but she is pretty and way better than the person who betrayed me"

"You shouldn't say that" Ethan says with a sad face. Suddenly I feel guilty. I guess I shouldn't, she is the woman who gave birth to me at the end of the day. I think I should give her a call; she's probably missing me a bit.

"Hey Ethan, I think I should give her a call"

"You should, she actually misses you" He informs me.

"Ok. I'll talk to you soon. Bye, love you"

"Bye Angelina" I shut the laptop screen down and pick up my phone from beside me. Ringing her number, I wait for her to pick it up.

"Hey mom it's me" I say.

"How dare you phone me you slut, never speak to me again you are the worst daughter in the world" Are you honestly kidding me right now?

"You know what? I can't believe I was actually going to say sorry about what I did but you know what, you really are a skank" I immediately cut the phone and fall onto my pillow crying my eyes out. Why did I have to get a mother like this for?

"Oh Angelina, what happened?" I don't have to look up to see that it's Claire.

"My mom"

"What did she say?"

"I was going to tell her I'm sorry but she called me a slut and said I'm the worst daughter in the world" The tears fall out more as I try to stop them.

Claire immediately came over to me and starts to comfort me. Once I've quieted down, she leaves telling me to get some sleep so I listen to her.


What's your little secret (Book 1 and sequel) *MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now