(Chapter 2)

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   "Dad!" I ran up to him and gave him a big hug. He laughed into my ear and kissed the side of my head. Pulling away from him I look at his face to see he hasn't changed at all. He's still the same man I saw from when I was a kid.

"Honey, I'm so glad you're here. I missed my little girl so much" He tells me with a wide smile on his way.

"I missed you a lot as well" I tell him. He pulls me in for one hug to which I laugh to this time.

"I want you to meet someone" He says with a nervous look on his face. I wonder who he wants me to meet if it's got him this worked up. Suddenly, a blonde comes from behind his back- a very pretty blonde might I say. She looks young with her brown hair and golden highlights. Her dark brown eyes shone in excitement as she looked at me. "This is my wife" He put his arm around her shoulder and kissed her on the cheek .Am I hearing him clearly or did he just say wife? Oh no, what if she's like those evil step-mums who act all sweet in front of people but in reality they're really horrible people. "Are you mad" Dad asked while looking at my face instead of hers.

"Yes dad, I am mad" His face suddenly falls into a sad one.

"Look I'm sorry"

"Dad, why didn't you invite me to your wedding" I cross my arms and huff out a breath. This has always been a habit of mine since I was a kid. I still remember, dad used to come and give me his legendary hugs.

"Oh thank god" Dad comes over and gives me one of his legendary hugs again. "I thought you were mad because you were going to have a step-mum" He tells me.

"If you're happy then I'm happy and by the way, at least I'll have someone to talk to now" I give my new mum a smile to which she returns back. Dad's short but she's really short so I had to look down at her. She gives me a surprise by coming over and giving me a hug.

"It's so nice to meet you, your dad has always been telling me about what a wonderful daughter you are" She looks over at dad who smiles at her.

"It's so nice to meet you as well..." I drag on my sentence a little longer as I don't know her name.

"Call me Claire sweetie" She says seeming to catch on.

"Can I call you mum if you don't mind" She seems shocked by what I said. I think I went a little far on that one.

"Sure of course you can" She replies back.

"Let's go then" We all grab my suitcases and hop into dad's car.

(30 minutes later)

I get out of the car with my mouth wide open. Dad comes into my view and gives me a frown.

"What, you don't like the house?" He asks.

"No I love it dad" I went around dad and continued to admire the house. It is absolutely gorgeous; dad never mentioned living in a freaking mansion. Suddenly, a loud noise was coming from the same way we came from. A man quickly comes out of his car and walks towards me, dad and Claire.

"Angelina Smith" He asks looking at Claire.

"That's me" I say surprising him.

"Your car has arrived" He tells me.

"Wow, that was very quick" To be honest I completely forgot that my car came with the plane, how silly of me.

"Let me go and get it out for you" He turns around and shouts out to the other people in the truck to get the car out. They began getting to work and in minutes the car is out and parked next to the van. I quickly sign the papers and they go away. My baby! I sprint towards the car and throw my arms around the hood of it.

"Angelina, is this your car?" Dad asks with a shock as him and Claire begin to make their way down towards me.

"Yes daddy" I say very proudly.

"How did you afford this?" He asks with shock.

"I saved up a lot of money dad and when I mean a lot. I mean a lot"

"Well this is a beautiful car" Dad confesses.

"Dad you know you can ride this car whenever you want" He looks at me with a smile on his face. I guess he likes the idea.

"Well lets go inside then" Dad said. I follow him inside the house while picking up my suitcase. I thought the outside was gorgeous the inside is mouth-watering. Is it appropriate to call a house mouth-watering...? Who cares, I said it so yeah you can call it.

"Where's Dustin?" I ask dad.

"He's gone football practice. He really wanted to come but his coach said the training was important" I nod my head at what he says and continue to admire the house "So, do you want to tell me what happened?" Dad asks.

"Well dad I........um......... mum........um..........I don't know how to say it".

"How about I take Angelina upstairs and we can have a girl to girl conversation" Claire says out of nowhere-thank you Claire for saving my life right now.

"Yeah that sounds like a good idea, I'll leave you both then" And just like that dad walks away. Why did dad leave? Me and Claire were supposed to leave. Dad's will be dad's.

What's your little secret (Book 1 and sequel) *MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now