(Chapter 18)

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It's officially midnight and lucky everyone is still asleep that means I can sneak through the front door.

I slung my backpack over my shoulder I have protection in there like knives,bats,stack and guns which I all stole from dad.

I opened my bedroom door and slowly crept down the stairs. All the lights were of so it was hard to see where I was walking.

Good thing I had a torch in my other hand I switched it on and slowly made my way out of the front door,

I closed it behind me and made my way towards the woods which was 20 minutes from here.   20 MINUTES LATER  

I've finally reached the woods and started making my way in there. Two words of which I can say is desolate and dark.

Noises are creeping around each time I stepped onto the ground. The moon is shining down on a tree which looks like a face, my heart started beating fast as I quicken my pace

. Every angle of the woods looks like a graveyard and there's no way out of this until the morning light comes.

I carry on walking and block out all of the negative things that come straight to my head. Something touched the top of my head.

I looked down to see a single leaf falling down onto the cold ground with a screaming noise coming from the wind as it washed it away. 

  "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh leave me alone!". I heard someone say it sounded like Ashley, oh no she's in trouble.

  I started running in the direction of her screaming and saw the same man that was in my dreams holding the same lifeless girl in his arms.

He dropped her to the floor and saw it was Ashley. Oh no Ashley. He killed her.

  "Run". He said just like in the dream. Without thinking I ran. I ran as fast as I could. This was meant to happen I was supposed to come, and find this girl.

But it's not Ashley then who is it? I stopped in the middle of the forest. There was someone crying, a girl. That's what happened in the dream as well.........but where's mom?

She's supposed to be here telling me to go and run home. Where is she!?

"Mom! Mom! Mom where are you?! I need you!". No reply, just the same crying noise coming from ahead of the forest.

Maybe if I follow the noise I'll find mom or this girl I'm looking for. There's only one way to find out. I ran quickly towards the crying, the sound started to come closer and closer.

I stopped infront of this huge house. It looks haunted. I took a step forward when my phone started ringing. I took it out of my pocket. Oh no it's dad. 

I might as well pick it up then, I don't want him to worry that much about me. 

"Hey dad how ya doin?". 

"Well I'm doin good how are you?". He suprisingly sounded really really calm.

"Oh I'm fine, why are you calling me?". 

"Oh because YOUR NOT IN YOUR ROOM!". Ok now he's not so calm.

"Dad I'm sorry but I have to do this". 

"Do what? Angelina please come back home I'm worried for you ok". 

"Dad I'm sorry but I can't not until I've got all of this stuff figured out". 

"Angelina I am begging you now, I don't want to lose you".

"Dad your not going to lose me".

"This game you are playing is so dangerous you have no idea".

"Dad if I don't play the game how will I no if it's dangerous or not?".

"Angelina just please come back home".

"I love you dad".

I cut the phone of and put it back in my pocket. Just remember that dad. Just remember that. I ran towards the entrance of the house.

What's your little secret (Book 1 and sequel) *MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now