PART 2 (Chapter 9)

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Angelina's POV:

"I told you not to go to school today"

Dad said once we left the nurse. I rolled my eyes.

"Ok. Ok. You told me dad you told me big time"

Dad sighed and looked straight. Wait I need to get my bag and jacket from my locker.

"Dad I forgot my bag and jacket can I please quickly go and get it"

He nodded his head. I quickly ran straight forward and turned the corner. I found my jacket but my bag was nowhere to be found. Where is it gone?

I closed my locker door and leant against it thinking about where I put it. I looked to my left and saw Ty sitting in history lesson.

Mr. Hunter was facing towards my back so I could see his muscles flexing. Wow!!!!! That's something Daniel never had.

He was still talking. Ty spotted me and waved. I waved back at him. A leather jacket caught my eye that's mine.

I pointed to the jacket. Ty grabbed hold of it. I made a gesture for him to give to me. He gave me a sad look and pointed at Mr. Hunter.

Shit what shall I do now? Wait dad. I ran back and saw dad leaning on the wall with his phone in his hand.


He looked up at me and gave me a small smile.

"Come on then let's go"

He said. I shook my head as a no

"Dad, can you do me a favour?"

He nodded his head.

"Tyler has my jacket and he is in class do you mind getting it for me"

He gave me a confused look.

"I'm missing that lesson so I can't really go"

Dad nodded his head.

"You wait here I'll go and get it"

I nodded my head as dad walked past me. Wait he doesn't even know the classroom. I turned around but dad was gone. Great!

I started running but clutched my side. Ouch this totally sucks. I made it and saw dad in the classroom. Phew!

Dad moved at the side but it wasn't Mr. Hunter it was another teacher. I looked straight and noticed that Mr. Hunter’s classroom was right in front of me.

Dad came out and noticed me. I pointed straight he nodded his head and was going to the door. I went straight and stood a few feet away from the door.

Dad looked at me and then knocked on the door. The door opened.

"Yes may I help you?"

It was a deep masculine voice which belonged to Mr. Hunter.

"Yes Tyler has my daughter’s jacket and I was wondering if I could take it from him"

"Which daughter of yours?"

I heard him say. That son of a

"Angelina Smith"

I heard him laugh and then call Ty for my jacket. Second’s later dad had my leather jacket in his hands.

"Your daughter has a lot of catching up to do in my class. She's missed all her lessons so far"

I heard him say. Dad's hands tightened on my jacket.

"Yeh well she's not feeling really well and she's had a...................really rough year"

I looked down and had all of the memories rushing back in my head. Loki. Mr. Mark. Ashley. Juliet. Mom.

My head was pounding really loudly. Everything was turning black I need to get some fresh air.


Dad looked at me and his face turned into shock. He came running to my side. 

"Angelina what happened are you ok?"

I only saw his eyes looking worried into mine. It's like my mind's blackness was trying to eat up dad's face.

"Is she ok?"

I moved my head and saw Mr. Hunter looking at me with worry as well. I need to get out of here. I managed to get up.

I held onto my stomach and ran the blackness was getting much worse. I closed my eyes I don't really care if I fall down.

I felt coldness hit my face and my hair being blown. I opened my eyes and everything turned normal.

I heard heavy footsteps behind me. I turned around and saw dad.

"Come on we need to get you home"

What's your little secret (Book 1 and sequel) *MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now