(Chapter 12)

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"Run my dear, run as fast as you can". I looked up at the creepy man that was holding the lifeless girl in his arms with blood dripping out of his mouth.

Without thinking I ran away from the monster and tried to find what I was here for. My legs were getting really tired, but I couldn't stop I had to go and get her no matter what.

His words were echoing through my head while I was running in the woods, I heard the sound of crying, it was coming from straight ahead of me, I quickly ran my away to the direction of the crying.

"Sweety, stop and get out of here". I heard the sound of a sweet angel I turned around and saw a women with chocolate brown curled shoulder length hair and hazel eyes.


I woke up and got up straight away in a sitting position, everyone was looking at me when I mean everyone I mean dad, Tyler, Dustin and Claire. Dad got up and keeled in front of me. 

"Dustin, go get your sister some water". Dustin got up and left, once Dustin left Claire and Tyler came and sat beside me on the sofa. Dustin came back with the water and handed it to me, I quickly gulped it all down and gave the empty glass back to him. 

"What happened?". Dad said looking at me curiously. 

"I had a dream, more like a nightmare". I wiped the sweat of my forehead and pulled my hair to one side. 

"What was it about?" Tyler asked this time. 

"There was a man he had a dead girl in his hands and had blood coming out of his mouth, he told me to run which I did and I was looking for someone and then I heard this crying noise, I ran to that direction when someone called me from behind it was a women she told me to get out of hear, and the last thing I remember saying was mom". I looked at dad, he looked confused and sad at the same time. 

"What did this women exactly look like?" Dad asked, he got up from the floor and grabbed a near by chair sitting on it which was directly in front of me. 

"She had brown curled shoulder length hair and hazel eyes". Dad put his face in his hands, after 10 seconds he looked at my face with a sad expression. 

"That was really your mom". Oh my god I met my actual mom in a dream/nightmare, my mom is pretty and gorgeous. 

"But this dream has got to mean something?". Dad put on his thinking look, and well began thinking. 

"Wait, what if she can tell the future?" Dustin said, well I could but mom's.............dead. 

"Dustin it can't be her mom's.........dead". Dad took the same pause as when I said it. 

"But what if it's a sign, a warning, telling us what we might face in the future, and your mom is there in your dream telling you that being there in that place is dangerous". Tyler has got a point. 

"You might be right Tyler, but if you keep having these dreams then they are bound to leave us some answers". Dad said. 

"By the way, this could actually be your first power". Dad said, well dad you are wrong because I have a healing touch. 

"Actually dad, I have healing powers". Dad looked up and looked confused. 

"Pumpkin, how do you know that?". I looked at Tyler, he nodded so I told dad about how that rogue attacked Tyler, and how I touched his body and all his wounds and cuts disappeared quickly. 

"Well then you were expected to have two powers one that belongs to your wolf and the other to your vampire". 

"Um dad can I ask you one more question?". 

"Yes sure". 

"On the first day of school when I met Sam my stomach started hurting all of a sudden and then when I met Samantha's dad the same pain happened again, how come?". 

"There you go you just got your third power, you can tell if someone is a vampire easily, since me and Tyler are full werewolf's we have strong smell, eyesight and hearing but a hybrid has a eyesight, smell and hearing of a normal human being. 

"Ah ok". We all just sat there in awkward silence when I decided to break it. 

"Well um, I am really tired and sleepy so I'm just going to head of to bed". Everyone said goodnight in unison. I ran upstairs and quickly changed into my PJ'S.  

I climbed into bed. Yesterday is a history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift. I said that to myself and soon fell asleep.

What's your little secret (Book 1 and sequel) *MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now