PART 2 (Chapter 20)

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I woke up with the light blinding my eyes, I scooted closer to the other pilow expecting Richard there to be sleeping but it was nothing. I opened my eyes and saw an empty space where Richard was supposed to be lying down. That's strange where did he go. I sat up straight covering the blankets around my body.

"Richard!" I called loudly but there was no reply back. Where did he go? He didnt leave me did he? No he wouldn't do that he is too commiteted.

Looks like I will have to go and find him but it will be a mission.

(1 hour later)

I just know it he left me. He is nowhere in the house so where could he even be? Suddenly, crouching over in pain I held onto my stomach.

"Our mate is in trouble go and find him" My wolf whispered. Oh no Richard. I got up from the floor ignoring the hard core pain and started running towards the door. I found myself running towards the woods. I know it sounds cliche but we ae vampires and werewolves that is where we are most likely to be found.

I saw a gaint black wolf, it transformed into Matthew. the dick head he did something and I can sense it.

"Hello my baby" He said looking down at me, I kept my face concentrated on his face because he is full on skin naked.

"Don't you baby me where is Richard?" He started laughing and rolled his eyes.

"Who cares about him we are meant to be together and by the way he said I could have you" Matthew said smirking. Wiat? What?

"What........what do you mean" He chuckled to himself like someone told him an old joke and began pacing up and down on the leaves while they crunched underneath his feet.

"Those were his last words" He said smirking. 

"What do you mean?" Heshrugged his shoulders and rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"You are so stupid y little baby, I killed him long time ago he is som-

Before he could finish of his sentence I knocked him over to his feet and sat ontop of him straddling his waist. He smiled at me and looked at our poistion.

"We are eager aren't we?" He said.

"Shut your bloody mouth and Richard isnt dead because my wolf is still communicating with me" 

"Well thats because I am still your other mate, your werewolf mate" My eyes widened as I loosened the grip on his arms. ichard is dead? No! No! That is impossible.

I'm so sorry but it's true..........

My wolf said to me in a whisper. I held back the gulp in my neck and stood up running a hand through my hair.

"I hate dickead. I loved him with all my life Matthew. And you just tok that away and threw it in the bin, you've ruined my life I will never be happy I will never be happy. I hate you I hate you so much" Tears were pouring down my face as I leant against the wooden tree. 

"Angelina I'm sorry but I love you" I heard him whipser. Closing my eyes in sadness I looked over him.

"Then why did you kill him if you loved me so much. You're a murderer nothing else but that" He looked down in regret.

"If it makes you feel better I'll tell you where he is" Matthew said with regret. I rolled my eyes and pushed him away from me.

"Go to hell you son of a bitch, go to hell" I turned around and started running back to the entrance of the wood. I want to kill myself I've lost the most important person in my life, someones arms grabbed the front of my waist, I looked up and saw dad was looking at me in worry.

" he is gone. He's gone" I warpped my arms around dads waist and cried onto his chest, he tightened his arms and rubbed my back in comfort.

"I'm sorry Angelina I know it hurts" Dad whispered.

"Now I exactly understand how you feel dad and I can feel the pain it's like my heart has been ripped out of my body" Dad rubbed his ahdns up and down my arm in comfort.

"We will go through this together till the end and forever on" Dad said into my ear. I closed my eyes as tight as they could go and held onto dad tighter.

"I found his body" I heard Tyler say, I let go of dad and turned around swiftly.

"You found Richards body?" He gave me a sad look and nodded.


"Just down the woods by the cave" I sprinted fast and didnt look back, I need to find Richard I need to see him. I didnt knowhow fast I ran but I recahed their. 

"Richard?" His body was on top of the leaves and his hands were by his side with blood all over his white sirt. A gasp scaped my mouth as I kneeled by his body. I took his cold hand and put it into my warm one.

"We were supposed to be together forever. But it my fault everything is my fault. I love you so much, I love you and I'll keep on saying it because I'll always remember you" I put his hand by my mouth and cried onto their.

"A.....n..g." I looked up and saw Richard looking at me. A smile spread across my face and I rubbed his cheek.

"You're alive I knew you were I couldn't believe the rest I just couldn't. Richard you came back" His face turned into a small smile.

"II'm....o.....n.....l...y h..e..r...e f...o...r a w...h...i....l...e" He said breaking down each single word.

"No your here talking to me and you are fine, we are going to be fine stop talking like that" His han in my mine tightened as I tear came pouring down from his eye.

"I love you" He said clearly.

"Richard please stop talking like that you aren't going anywhere" 

"Take care of our baby" His hand removed from mine and he put his hand on my stomach. 'm pregnant already.


"Please promise that you are going to take care of this baby" He said looking into my eyes. I nodded my head and kissed his hand.

"I love you my Angel and don't you forget that" He coughed and his eyes rolled at the back of his head. I closed my eyes and held him on.

"I love you too".


What's your little secret (Book 1 and sequel) *MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now