PART 2 (Chapter 12)

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Angelina's POV:

Once we got into class no one was here even Mr. Hunter wasn't here.

"Where is everyone gone?"

"Hey Ty let's go take one rounder in the hall and when we come back people might come then"

He nodded his head agreeing with me. We walked around the hall at least twice and then went back to lesson.

Half of the class was in their now and so was Mr. Hunter. Ty tapped my back slowly as we walked to the door.

I opened it and my contact came straight away with Mr. Hunter’s blue eyes.


All of the class screamed. I swear how they all know about my birthday. I did a little wave and stepped into the classroom.

Only to find everyone running their way towards me. I stepped back I lost my footing but fell back into a hard chest.

I looked up and saw Ty's face. Everyone was still standing there with more birthday gifts. Oh my god!

"Ok. Ok. Everyone that's enough"

I heard Mr. Hunter say. Everyone started to go back and Mr. Hunter appeared in front of me smirking.

"Miss. Smith I don't like the fact that you missed all my lessons and then bring all of this attention towards you"

I gulped as I stood straight and looked down. I've never been in trouble before by a teacher and it kind of scares me.

"Sir she wasn't feeling well for the past few days and she didn't know this was going to happen"

I heard Tyler say from behind me. I was looking down at Mr. Hunter’s converses.

"Tyler I'm sure Miss. Smith can speak for herself"

I heard him say. I looked up into his eyes. His smirk turned into a soft face.

"Well come on in then"

He moved at the side and let me walk past him. I went and sat in my seat with Ty next to me.

"Alright ever since you all got gifts for Miss. Smith you can come in order, quickly give it to her and sit back in your seats"

The sounds of chairs were scratching the floor as each person gave me a gift. I smiled and thanked each one of them.

There were at least thirty-seven gifts stacked to the side of my chair. 

"Ok now let's start the lesson"

He smacked his hands loudly together which made me jump.

"Miss. Smith are you ok?"

Mr. Hunter said looking at me in worry. I nodded my head and looked down at the wooden table.

"Alright. World war one. Who started it?"

Everyone was dead silent. I already know the answer so.

"Come on we did about this last lesson”

Mr. Hunter said frowning, might as well just save the day. I raised my hand up he looked at me in shock but picked on me.

"The black hand gang started the war. They disliked Franz-Ferdinand because he was Austro-Hungarian. The Black Hand gang wanted him out of Bosnia, which had a highly large population of Serbs. They planned on killing him but failed but when the car took a wrong turn Philip came out from a sandwich shop and shot down Ferdinand and his wife"

Mr. Hunter’s mouth was wide open. He regained his posture and closed his mouth and then pointed at me looking at the rest of the class.

"This is what you call a top class student. Despite Miss. Smith not being here for any of the lessons she still knows the answer"

He did a small clap and gave me a small smile. He carried on with the lesson. Right now we were analysing through pictures and photographs when there was a knock on the classroom door.

I couldn't be bothered to look up because I was too busy writing.

"Class this is our new pupil"

I looked up and saw that same exact guy that was supposedly supposed to be my werewolf mate. I growled underneath my breath.

Tyler turned around and looked at me weirdly.

"What happened to you?"

I looked at Ty and shook my head. I looked back at the guy to see him looking at me I glared at him. Then looked at Mr. Hunter who was smirking.

"His name is Matthew so please help him feel welcomed in class. You can go sit next to Stephanie

I turned around and looked at Stephanie. She was smiling at Matthew. She caught my eye and glared at me

"What are you looking at?"

She said shouting loudly at me. Everyone fell quiet. I wish I could slap that foundation face of hers.

"Why don't you just leave Angelina alone?"

Ty said back to her. She smirked.

"Oh would you look at that she's getting her boyfriend to speak for her"

I was about to say something but Ty cut me off.

"Well unlike you at least she doesn't sleep with five guys in one night"

My mouth dropped open as everyone else made noises. She looked over at me and gave me a death glare.

"You will pay for this"

She said screaming. I smiled at her threat.

"Well the last time you said it didn't go to well for you, because your big strong men turned out to be pussy's who were scared of me, a girl twice smaller than their size"


I turned back around and looked down at my desk.

"Stephanie you will go down to the principal’s office after class and Angelina you will stay behind for your break"

I was about to say something but then stopped myself. It's better than the principal’s office.

What's your little secret (Book 1 and sequel) *MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now