(Chapter 14)

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"Angelina............Angelina...............Angelina!" I looked to my left and saw a very irritated Tyler.


"I've called you like three times, what you thinking about?".

"Everything really, I mean the dreams I'm having I haven't had a new one, since the last time my mom came in there saying this guy wanted me". 

"Don't worry, like your dad said, were getting closer to the answer". Tyler nodded and looked back at the front of the class.

Someone had knocked on the classroom door it was Mr.Mark, wonder what he's doing here? He gave a note to the teacher.

"Angelina Smith and Tyler Woods, please go with Mr.Mark here". Me and Tyler exchanged glances then headed out the class with Mr.Mark, he brought us to his classroom and shut the door.

"Why did you want to see Mr.Mark". Tyler said.

"I've heard about the dreams you have having Angelina". He came and sat behind his desk.

"Yeah I've been having them, but I haven't had a new one since days now". He looked at me curiously, got up from his desk and came towards us.

"I want you to explain to me in full detail, where you were? How the place you were at looked like?

What did that man you were running from looked like?".

"Well.......I don't really know where I was, it looked like a graveyard and it was at night, the man that I saw in my first dream, he was really pale he had really bright yellow eyes with white hair".

"Oh no!". Mr.Mark looked really scared, I mean really scared.

"Why oh no?" Tyler said copying his voice of tone.

"He's a very dangerous man, he's a vampire and he is really dangerous". Mr.Mark started walking up and down the classroom mumbling words to himself.

"How do you know if this man is dangerous?" Once I said this he stopped moving and looked at my face.

"THIS MAN, HE TREATS PEOPLE AND INNOCENT LITTLE CHILDREN LIKE SHIT, HE TAKES UP FOR SLAVERY, I WOULD KNOW BECAUSE SINCE BIRTH I WAS TAKEN FROM HIM, BUT I ESCAPED!". I was a bit taken back when he said shit, also that bastard has no right to that to children.

"I'm so sorry Mr.Mark I never knew". His eyes softened, then he gave me a small smile.

"It's ok, but I wonder why you were having a dream of him.........what exactly was he saying or doing?".

"He had a girl in his arms and had blood pouring out of his mouth, he smiled at me then told me to run".

What's your little secret (Book 1 and sequel) *MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now