PART 2 (Chapter 3)

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Angelina's POV:

"Hey guys she's waking up".

I heard Ty say. I opened my eyes and saw Ty's face right in front of me.

"Baby back up she needs some space".

I heard Juliet shout whisper to Ty. He backed up to give me some room. I looked around I'm at the hospital.

I know this room. This is the room I was at when I went into a coma. I looked around and saw Juliet and Ty standing there looking at me.

"Hey sis how you feeling?"

Juliet said coming to sit down on the bed next to me. I actually have no idea how I'm feeling right now other than the pain in my stomach.

"My stomach just hurts that's it".

"That's because dad feed you too much and well your cut kind of opened because you gained a little weight. So that's why your here right now".

Juliet said sadly.

"Where's dad? I want to see dad".


"Oh my god Angel you’re awake".

I looked past Juliet and saw dad looking really worried. I gave him a small smile he walked past Ty and came to me.

"I'm so sorry it's all my fault your here right now".

"No dad it's ok. You’re an amazing dad, don't you ever blame yourself for anything that happens to me".

He gave me a sad look. 

"Well looks like your awake".

The doctor said. It was the same one as last time.

"Hello Angelina it's nice to see you again".

He said smiling at me. I smiled back.

"You to doctor".

He looked down at his clipboard and began writing some stuff down.

"Your cut is still healing it was a really big one I have bandaged you up, you can go home but I advise you to change the bandage every one hour".

I and dad nodded our heads

"So that means I can't go school".

I said hoping I won't go. He smiled and shook his head.

"No you still have to go but you will have to tell your teacher that you have to go to the nurse to change your bandage".

I nodded my head in disappointment.

"Well Angelina you should get some sleep now".

The doctor said. I nodded my head.

"Well have a good sleep pumpkin we'll be waiting outside".

Dad said kissing my forehead.

"You guys can go home and Ty you can go back to school. I have Juliet here if that's ok with you".

She nodded her head saying it's-ok.

"Are you sure?"

Ty said looking at me. I nodded my head.

"Yes I'm sure you guys can go".

They all nodded their heads and left the room saying goodbye.

What's your little secret (Book 1 and sequel) *MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now