PART 2 (Chapter 7)

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Angelina's POV:

(The next day)

"Are you still sure you want to go school today?"

Dad said looking at me in worry. I nodded my head saying yes.

"Don't worry dad I have Tyler and Dustin. I will be completely fine and If I don't then I'll just go to the nurse".

Dad nodded his head before hugging me in a really tight embrace.

"Oh let the girl go dear your crushing her bones".

 Claire said slapping dad's arm. He gave me a small smile and put his arm around Claire's shoulder.

"Well by dad".

I left the house with Dustin and got to my red Ferrari.

"I need a job man".

I said once getting into the car and putting on my seatbelt.

"Why do you need a job?"

Dustin said. I looked over to him and grabbed my shades and put them on.


He nodded his head. The reason I need a job is because Dustin's birthday is coming up and I wanted to buy him that new white Mercedes.

"Step on it sis!"

Dustin said yelling at me. I looked him and glared.

"Dustin you shouting aren’t going to make me drive any faster". I said.

He rolled his eyes. We finally reached the school's parking lot. I stopped the car and got out locking it behind me.

"Hey Angel".

I turned around and saw Ty. I smiled and walked up to him.

"Hey Ty".

"What no hug".

I opened my arms up and gave him a big side hug. We walked side to side into the school building.

"So there's a new guy in school and he is a werewolf".

New werewolf. That's strange I was expecting human.

"Is he a rogue? Does my dad know?"

Tyler shook his head.

"He's not a rogue and no your dad doesn't know but I was planning on telling him today".

I nodded my head and opened my locker. 

"I think you should take your sunglasses of people are going to think your blind".

I touched the side of my temple and realized I still had them on. I took them of and out them in my locker.

I looked back up and saw the teacher walking like a supermodel down the hall. I was looking at him like a creep but so was everyone else

He cached my gaze and held it. He gave me a small smirk.

"Miss. Smith we have history first thing so maybe you should take your history book out instead of the sex education".

I looked at my hand and realized what he said was right. Everyone around me began laughing, I felt myself going hot.

I turned around and took out my history book.

"Oh my god that was so embarrassing".

I said looking at Ty. His face was really red and his mouth was shut tight.

"Ok let it out".

He opened his mouth and began laughing clutching onto his stomach.

"That was hilarious. I like Mr. Hunter already".

"Mr. Hunter, so that's his name".

What's your little secret (Book 1 and sequel) *MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now