PART 2 (Chapter 5)

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Angelina's POV:

"You can't be my mate that's impossible. I don't even know who you are. For all I know is that you could be a pervert, rapist, murderer anything out of the ordinary".

He didn't do anything but smile at me. What is wrong with this guy?

"Ok first of all I am nothing from what you just listed and second of all I'm a teacher. You’re my new history teacher actually".

My mouth dropped open as I stared at my so called mate. That sounds so weird and wrong even coming from his mouth.

"Do you know that you sound like a real pervert".

His smirk changed to an angry expression. I guess that was a really bad thing to say.

"You are mine. My mate and you will respect me!"

He said shouting. I looked over at Juliet and noticed she was still asleep even though this guy was screaming his head off.

"Respect you my ass".

I started laughing at his face. He looked at weirdly so I laughed more even though it hurt my sides a lot.

"Stop it your hurting yourself".

He said looking worried. He came closer to me and grabbed my hand from the side. I stopped laughing and looked into his deep blue eyes.

His hand was so cold against my warm hand; his hand fits in mine like it's made just for me. Oh my god this I just quote a one direction song?

Yes I just did. Zayn Malik's part.  He was eyeing my face up and down slowly, but I kept my eyes focused on his beautiful ones.

"You’re so gorgeous. I wish I could take you in my arms and hold you close to me forever".

I felt a smile tug onto my lips. 

"What are you looking at?"

He said. I snapped out of my senses and looked at his amused face. I glared at him as he backed up a bit from me.

"At your beautiful, sexy gorgeous face".

I said sarcastically. He gave me a small smile before turning around to look at Juliet.

"Cool your sister's a vampire".

He said to me casually. I looked at him in shock how did he know that? Wait I was in pain my stomach was in pain that means he is a vampire.

Oh my god my teacher, mate is a flipping vampire. Oh my god this is not good he could drink from me any second.

"You- you can't be a vampire".

He looked at me shaking his head.

"What do you mean I can't be a vampire?"

I shook my head and looked down. I think this whole vampire-werewolf mating love process run through the genes.

"I'm sorry but can you please leave. I don't know anything about you and if you dangerous or not just please leave".

I shifted my weight to half of the other side of the bed. He looked at me trying to control his anger.

"Why are you scared of me? I will not hurt you I will never hurt you".

I shook my head and looked out the window so he couldn't see the tears that were starting to fill in my eyes.

"You don't get it just please leave".

I felt him garb my hand but I pulled it out of his even though I wanted him to keep on holding my hand.

"Then make me understand".

I heard him say softly like a melody.

"Look just pleases leave".

I heard him sigh. I looked back and saw him standing above me.

"But you have to promise me one thing".

He said putting both of his hands on either side of his hips. I could see his muscles and is that a six pack?

Oh wow this guy is fit I wonder how much times he works out.

"I see my body already did the job".

I looked up to see him smirking.

"Just shut up and tell me".

"You and me are going out tomorrow because I want you to be able to trust me".

I nodded my head. This is going to be so weird. I can't believe I would ever say this but I'm going on a date with my teacher.


He gave me a smile and nodded my head.

"And don't worry I'll find out what's your little secret".

With that he walked out.

What's your little secret (Book 1 and sequel) *MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now