(Chapter 10)

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I heard the sounds of being noises and people talking I couldn't quiet make out what they were saying then the voices came clearer.  

  "I'm sorry I don't know when" It was a sound of a man's voice but I never knew who it was then I heard footsteps leaving the room,I felt someone touch my arm and a quiet noise of someone crying.  

  "I'm so sorry Angelina if I told you soon this would never have happened it's all my fault"

      It was my dad's voice but what has he been keeping from me what happened I can't remember anything.............. wait Tyler werewolf! Oh my god Tyler is a werewolf I saw him turn into one I was running then someone grabbed me and that's all I remember.  

    I tried opening my eyes but I couldn't I couldn't even lift my arms I tried really hard but I can't, what if I can't do this for a long time dad and Dustin the people that I loved my family that's it I need to think about them then try I put all of my concentration on Dustin and my dad, my eyes started opening slowly and all I saw was a big bright light I turned my head and saw my dad he had his hands on his head and was crying.

    "D...dad" My dad lifted his head up he looked awful he had big circles under his eyes. Dad looked like he was going to cry more but he went and left the room he came back, which i'm guessing is the  doctor.  

    "Hello Angelina how are you feeling" The doctor asked me.

      "Fine, my head just hurts a bit but other than that  i'm feeling fine". He smiled at me for a guy in his 30's he was pretty good looking  

    "So do you know what happened or do you remember anything" He asked me,  should I tell him? No I can't he might think i'm mad    

  "Um no I don't remember anything" I told him I looked at dad he looked relieved ok he is keeping something from me oh no what is he's a vampire or worse  

    "How long was I asleep for". I asked the doctor  

    "You've been in a coma for 2 months" Wait what coma!  


    "Well your friends said you were gone for long so they went to check they found you in the woods on the floor passed out and you had a really big cut in your head".

      "But i'm ok now right".  

    "Yes you're perfectly fine".

      "When can I go home?".  

    "After 1 week you still have to recover".  

    "Ok thank you".  

    Once the doctor left my dad came and sat down next to me "Hey how you feeling?" He asked me.

What's your little secret (Book 1 and sequel) *MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now