(Chapter 3)

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My tears were coming down non-stop while Claire hugged me and gave tissues at the same time. I don't know why I'm crying over that jerk in the first place, he doesn't deserve my tears.

"Thank you for listening, it feels good to let it all out" I confess to her.

"Of course I'm like your mum now" She says smiling at me.

"I know and you're much better than the slut" She must have known I was referring to mum because she frowned but you can tell she wanted to laugh a bit

"Ok now, no need to say that"

"Fine mommy" Claire laughed and gave me another hug.

"Well I should really unpack my things now" I tell her.

"Yes you should and I hope you like the room decoration. Your dad told me your favourite colour was black and red so I decided that I would do red and black everywhere" Claire says while looking around the room at the same time.

"I love it thank you, you really are the best step-mum" This time I'm the one who gives her a hug.

"You really are the best step-daughter; do you need any help un-packing?" She asks me.

"If you don't mind" I tell her with an innocent look on my face.

"Well let's get started".

We both get of the bed and start putting all of my clothes away. Minutes later, I see Claire examining my Chris Pine wallpaper.

"Well looks like a little someone has a crush on Chris Pine" She says in a sing song voice. Can she really blame me, can anyone blame me? It's Chris Pine!

"Can you really blame me Claire, he's hot"

"I agree" She says with a little laugh. "Do you want me to put this up?"


"Where would you like me to put it up?"

"Wherever it looks good" I reply back to her. Claire decides to put it just opposite the wall of my bed.

"Now when you wake up in the morning you have a really nice image to look at"

"I hope your right"

"Oh you just wait until you wake up in the morning" She informs me.

Claire then decides to pick up my photo album. She opens the page and there's a picture of me and Ashley together. Claire mouth hangs open wide like a fish. Does she not like the picture or something?

"What happened?" I ask her.

"Is she your sister?" She asks.

"No she's my friend" I tell her.

"Has anyone ever told you that you look alike" She says with her gaze still on the picture.

"Oh I've heard it a lot" This is nothing new. Me and Ashley, we're twins. We act the same and look the same. We were just meant to be.

She flicked the page and there was a picture of me and Ethan. I love that picture; it was on my birthday party.

"And who is this young man?" She asks with curiosity.

"Oh he is the best of the best. I met him before Ashley, his name is Ethan" I tell her proudly.

"Is he a good friend?"

"A lot but he's very over protective of me" I tell her.

"That's good" She replies back. She puts the photo album and claps her hands together. "I bet you're hungry"

"Are you kidding, I'm starving" I rub my belly with a pout on my face. Claire takes my arm and guides me out of my room. We go downstairs to discover dad sitting on the couch watching wresting on TV. How dare he? I leave Claire's side and sit next to dad.

"Dad why didn't you tell me that WWE was on!" I complain to him.

"Oh sorry" He said without taking his gaze off the screen.

"Oh and dad...we will we will rock you" I start laughing and continue to mock him. I am a huge fan of the Rock and he rock bottomed Jon Cena's ass.

"Ok ok don't need to rub it in my face" Dad grumbles.

"I'm sorry but I told you that The Rock could beat John Cena anytime or any day".

"Alright alright I was wrong"

"I really like Claire dad; you did a good job" He finally takes his eyes of the television and pats my head.

"Thank you honey, you're so supportive" He tells me.

"Why wouldn't I be, I mean you're happy you love Claire and I do as well".

"So do you want to tell me why you came here or you can just keep it as a secret between you and Claire?" Dad switches the television off this time and angles his body towards mine so his full attention is on me. I should tell him, he's my dad and he has the full right to know.

"I found my boyfriend and mum kissing" I say looking down at my lap suddenly feeling embarrassed. Telling your dad something like this, it must hurt him as well. I mean it was his wife before.

"How could she do that?" Dad didn't sound angry or sad he sounded calm and normal which I find shocking.

"I don't care about her anymore" I say.

"So are you planning to stay here forever?" Dad asks me. Please don't say he wants to get rid of me straight away.

"Yes but if you have a problem just say the word"

"This is your home and I thought you were only here for a bit. I was actually going to convince you to stay but now I don't have to" He tells me with a wide smile on his face.

"You are the best dad in the world!" I exclaim in enjoyment.

"And you are the best daughter any father could have". He hugged me and I hugged him back only if it was like this when I was back in home. Claire calls us and says dinner is ready. Me and dad go ad sit onto the dining table. It smells so good! She had made some Chinese food and it looks so delicious. I take some of the noodles and begin to devour them. I am in heaven! This is way better than mum's food. Wait, what am I saying? She never even cooked.

"Claire this is amazing"

"Thank you" She says smiling at me. We all eat in silence and when we all finished, dad leaves the kitchen

"Claire do you need help with the dishes?" I ask her.

"Oh honey we have people who clean everything in the house".

"Oh so like maids and stuff?"

"Yes" She replies back. Ah man, that's actually cool.

"So did you really make the dinner then?" I ask curiously.

"Yes I did but normally the chef makes it and I'll tell you this now, he cooks even better than me" She says with a sly smile.

"Well I will be going to bed. I'm jet lagged"

"Night Angelina"

"Goodnight Claire"

What's your little secret (Book 1 and sequel) *MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now