PART 2 (Chapter 16)

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Angelina's POV

"Do I look ok?" I asked Juliet. She rolled her eyes.

"For the last and final time you look gorgeous" I smiled at her and looked back at the mirror.

"Come on let's go downstairs your vampire prince waits" This time I rolled my eyes but from the inside I was really nervous.

I saw dad's back and Dustin sitting down on the sofa. Dad turned around and gave me a small smile

"Why hello Angelina" That voice is what melts my heart. Dad slighlty moved out the way and I could see Mr. Hunter.

"Mr. Hunter" I said softly.

"Richard. Call me Richard" He said standing up and sticking his out stretched hand in front of me. I looked down at his hand and shook it very slowly

Making sure to keep the eye contact with him.

"Ok dinner is ready" I heard Claire say. I let go of his hand and started making my way to the kitchen with Juliet and Tyler by my sides.

Yes Tyler found out and he wasn't that happy about Matthew trying to rape me.

I sat down next to them two as well and Mr. Hunt- I mean Richard was across me. I looked at him and gave me a small smile.

"So you’re a teacher?" Dad said to Richard. He nodded his head while eating the salad.

"You do know that this is illegal" Dad said. I rolled my eyes. No shit dad!

"Yes I completely aware of that so that's why I was thinking about quiting my job" He said.

"No you can't quit your job" Everyone looked over at me.

"What I meant to say was I'm not going to school anymore anyway so you don't need to quit" I looked over at dad

"But sweetie you need to consider" Dad said. 

"Consider what dad. It's not like I'm going out with him" I said, I heard a low growl and noticed it came from Richard.

"He is your mate you are supposing-. Looks just hear me out. You two are mates; you are supposed to be together forever. Just please don't make the same mistake your mom did" I got up from my seat and ran to my bedroom.

I banged the door behind me and sat on my bed crying. 

"Mom I really need you right now. Out of all people I need you here for me. And tell me what's right and wrong. Please just give me a sign of telling me what to do" I cried some more and looked down at my lap.

I heard a noise of footstep. I looked up and saw Richard. Is this a sign? Am I supposed to be with him after all?

"Listen Angelina-

I cut him off by getting up and hugging him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and breathed in his scent.

He hugged me back by wrapping his arms around my waist and rubbing his hand up and down my back

"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry" I said whispering into his ear. He told me to shhh and rocked us both back and forth on our feet

"I want you here with me now and I don't care" I said. His arms loosened on my waist and he looked into my eyes.

He put his hand onto my right cheek rubbing it with his thumb slowly. I looked down at his soft lips and leaned forward.

He leaned forward as well and ours lips touched. Sparks flew of into a million trillion pieces. I put my hands onto his arms so I could feel his muscles.

His hand moved from my face to my waist making our bodies collide together. It wasn't even a French kiss; it was a sweet normal kiss.

And that even set me of. I broke the kiss first and looked into his eyes.

"God the things you do to me" He said leaning his forward onto mine. I smiled at him and kissed him on the cheek.

"I want to go out tomorrow. Just you and me and this time I promise I won't forget" He looked me straight in the eye and smiled.

"Fine" He put his hands on either side of my face and gave me a sweet, soft gentle kiss but grabbing my hand and led me downstairs

What's your little secret (Book 1 and sequel) *MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now