PART 2 (Chapter 14)

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 Angelina's POV

I took my head off Mr. Hunter’s shoulder and saw Dustin looking confused. Mr. Hunter took a step back from me, and I suddenly felt lonely again.

"She just needed a shoulder to cry on"

Mr. Hunter said casually. Dustin nodded his head agreeing but looked suspicious. He came over to me and out the ice bag on the side of my head.

"Dad is going to murder the living life out of you" I said as Dustin handed me the glass of cold water. I gulped it down

"Yep he sure is" Dustin said nodded his head agreeing with me. I looked to my right and saw Mr. Hunter looking at me.

I felt myself go hot and looked back at Dustin.

"Ang are you ok? You’re going red" Dustin said putting his cold hands on either sides of my cheek. I nodded my head.

"Come on let's take you home" Dustin said helping me get up. I managed to get up from the seat and stand next to Dustin.

"Look I don't think it's going to be a good idea to send Angelina home with you Dustin" Mr. Hunter said. 

What why? Dustin looked at him strangely.

"Why not?" Dustin said clearly confused, my Mr. Hunter’s misunderstanding.

"Well because you guys are going out-

"I'm his sister" I said cutting him off. He looked relived.

"Oh that's ok then. Better take her home then Dustin" Mr. Hunter said to Dustin not even giving me any sort of eye contact

"Wait here Ang I'm just going to quickly get my bag" Before I could say anything Dustin ran out of the room. I looked back and saw Mr. Hunter marking some papers.

"Looks like it's just you and me now" I said to him. He looked at me and gave me a slight smile.

"Look I'm sorry. I didn't mean to run out the classroom" He nodded his head and looked back down. What is his problem?

"I NEARLY GOT RAPED DO YOU NOT CARE ABOUT ME?!" He put down his pen and ran a hand through his hair.

"Of course I care" He said mumbling.

"Really because you’re not showing it" I said leaning against the wall. He looked at me and then got up from his chair, slowly making his way towards me.

He stood in front of me and took both of my hands in his. His eyes were closed and he looked stressed. I wish I could make him feel better.

"Who did this to you?" He said into my hands. I gulped.

"Matthew" He looked up and his eyes were gone red.

"Y-your eyes" He looked away from me and then looked back, his eyes were back to blue again.


"Why what?"

"Why did he attack you?"

"Because he's my other mate" I said slowly. Suddenly, Mr. Hunter punched the wall behind my head. My eyes widened in shock.

"You should be going. Dustin is here" He walked away from me and Dustin came in the class. I looked at Mr. Hunter but he didn't even glance at me.

I walked out the class feeling sad and angry at myself

What's your little secret (Book 1 and sequel) *MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now