Chapter 17 | Sacrifice

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You dug through the pockets of his pants before finding the key to the cuffs. You unlocked them swiftly and instantly felt the surge of your strong chakra return.

"If only I had this before...," You thought staring off into the distance. "You deserved this." You reaffirm internally as you shake your head. You quickly showered yourself off and cleaned up what you could, although the bruising around your head was quite evident. You did your best with your healing powers to make it less visible and to heal the gash on the back of your head from the door. You quickly packed a back and sealed extra things in some scrolls, chucking those into your bag as well.

You were about to head out, but stopped in your bedroom doorway. You turned back to still see him sleeping there. The flashes of what happened before momentarily flashing through your brain. "I hope I don't come back from this mission..." You thought. Perhaps it was wishful thinking, a death you didn't deserve. Not because you deserved to be saved, but because giving you something you wanted so desperately seemed wrong after you forcefully took an innocent person's life.

You sighed and made your way out the front door, leaving Sasuke behind and headed for the gates to meet up with Kakashi and the others. Your face mask snuggly across your face, hiding the battle wounds from your terror.

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It didn't take long for you to reach the gates of Konoha's. Kakashi gave you a small nod as your circled up with the group.

"Okay, Miku-san you're specifically assigned with us for your medical ninjutsu. We are aware you can fight fairly decently as well but we need you to hold back if we find ourselves in combat because we need you to help us stay alive," Hajime reported. Hajime was a tall, broad shouldered man with a scar running across his cheek. He had long flowing black hair that was tied into a pony tail with a dark silk ribbon. At this moment in time, as we quietly spoke away from earshot, his mask was fully displayed on. The rest of us wore ours as well, you swapped yours in an alley on the way here. All and all, everyone looked very strong and cable aside from your small statured self.

You nodded in understanding as you listened more about the mission and teammates.

"I'm the leader, so what I say goes here you understand?" Hajime continued. "Kakashi-san will be our tracker, and brawn if we need it," He said smirking toward Kakashi.

"We've got Haruki here, she's going to be our eyes behind us. She's part of the Hyuga clan so we need that sight to sus out any enemies," He continued. Haruki was a little taller than you, but beautifully designed. She had the perfect hourglass figure, unblemished skin, and long navy blue hair wrapped tightly in a bun. Her beautiful lavender eyes sparkled with an energetic taste for life.

"Then we've got Ronin, he's pure brawn. He can manipulate nature at will, his specialty being wood," He continued. Ronin was a dark skinned, handsome man. He was about Kakashi's height but had spiky dark green hair and golden eyes. He looked just like a fairy from the forest, but in a much more masculine way.

"Shin here, you're going to take up the left with Haruki on your right, you will keep your eyes peeled but also provide back up for the front and back should you need it," He finished. Shin was another dark skinned man, but with dark purple hair in a wonderful tousle of curls. In the sun it looked like he had some lavender highlights streaked through it here and there. From what you heard, his specialty was ice manipulation.

"Miku-san, we will be paired right behind them but in front of Haruki. It's the safest most logical spot for now. So we are setting out to gather intel from a rogue named Shuji. He left the leach about five years ago, but the word on the streets is he's got a band of strong shinobi with him and he's planning to attack the Hokage with them. We are to find them, gather information on there plans and whereabouts and report back to the Hokage. Once we get close enough to them we will disguise ourselves so try not to give yourselves away. This should be a no fight mission, but if we find ourselves in battle we are to eliminate the enemy at all costs, you got that?" Hajime said, a stern expression evident even though the mask.

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