Chapter 35 | Confessions

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Your eyes flicked back to stare at hers in confirmation that this was no dream which caused you to quickly separate yourself from her as you fell back to the other corner of the chair. You nearly forgot your situation before you quickly grabbed some blankets to cover you up. "How embarrassing," You groaned as you frantically tried to come up with an excuse. "Men usually get hard in the morning right? That's what I've heard.. I'm sure I can just use that as an excuse. Oh god what will she think of me? This is too much, even for her... we're friends and now I've ruined everything!" You quickly thought.

"M-miku-chan," You stuttered out in shock and embarrassment. "I-I"

She cut you off by getting up swiftly and bowing. "I'm sorry Gaara-kun, I didn't mean to s-startle you! I was just waking you up, uh... I should be going now. Your papers are on your desk. S-sorry again, I'm... Goodnight then!" She blurted out quickly before scurrying out of your office.

"Ugh... She couldn't get away from me fast enough. Why did I have to react like this? There's no way she doesn't know how I feel toward her now... this disgusting body," You groaned as you angrily glared at the situation between your legs. You shifted uncomfortably as you waited for it to go down before you resumed your paperwork trying with all your might to forget everything that just happened.

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Miku's P.O.V.

You shyly played with a leaf on one of the garden's few trees while working up the nerve to ask Temari a question that had been on your mind for the last few days.

"I just don't get it Miku-chan, how is it that you both were inseparable but now barely speak a word? Something isn't right, did something happen between you two?" Temari asked with concern.

Something burst in your chest as you suddenly blurted your question out in response, "Has your brother ever had sex with someone before?" The moment is so bluntly left your lips you slapped your hands over your mouth and shook your head vigorously as your face burst into several shades of red.

Temari's jaw dropped as she looked incredulously at you. "Miku-chan!" She shouted before you shook your head in protest.

"That's not what I meant to ask!" You said desperately trying to cover up your burst of honest curiosity. Ever since that day had happened between you two, it's been a question on your mind constantly. His body seemed to react to yours so naturally, it was confusing. You were also disturbed that he had gone out of his way to avoid you and refused your visits. The result you had been so worried about appeared to come to fruition as your closeness had gone up in flames. Just when you felt like something might happen between you two, you were disappointed in destroying the opportunity. "I was so greedy then... too greedy, and now all I took for granted is gone. Gambled away by my desire to just... touch him like that." I bemoaned to myself.

"Kami Miku-chan, I could hardly think you meant something else by that. Why are you asking so suddenly – wait!? Did you both-?!" She asked with a suspicious amount of excitement at the end before you covered her mouth with your hands to silence her. Your head hung low as you tried your best to hide your burning cheeks. Little did you know your ears were just as red and in few of Temari who was doing her best not to burst out in laughter at your state.

She slowly removed your hands and lifted your chin up with a smirk plastered across her face. "Don't tell me you want to be fooling around with my brother Miku-chan," She teased you. Her fingers gripped your chin tighter as you attempted to look away.

"N-no, o-of course not. Uh, you see... we just found ourselves in an odd predicament together and ever since then... ever since then he has been avoiding me. We didn't do anything! I swear!" You said fervently as your hands waved shyly in front of your face.

Healing Demons [Gaara x Reader/OC x Sasuke]Where stories live. Discover now