Chapter 4 | Passing the Test

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Miku woke up abruptly, in a pool of sweat. She clasped her hand on her head as she steadied her breathing. "Must have been a bad dream again," She thought trying to remember what her dream was about. After a few minutes of trying, she gave up. Sliding her hand through her sweaty hair she looked groggily over at the clock on her nightstand. 6:00am. Shit. She groaned and swiftly began stripping her clothes off on her way to the bathroom. Even though she had planned to ignore Kakashi-sensei's 'no breakfast' warning, it looks like she would, by default, have to listen with the lack of time she had to get to the training fields.

She turned the shower on to what some may imagine is the exact temperature of hell before she stepped in. She faced the shower head letting it beat down on the top of her head as she placed both hands on the wall in front of her, leaning into them. She was soaking in the heat of the water, relaxing her tense muscles. She groaned as she remembered it had to be quick because she was running late and she quickly finished washing up. She ran out the bathroom and quickly began rummaging through her dresser and closet, clothes being strewn about the floor in her search for an outfit.

She finally decided on black cycling shorts and a black long sleeved top. She put mesh shorts underneath her cycling shorts that were a few inches longer than the cycling ones. She decided to secure her ninja bag to her right thigh and tied her ninja headband around her neck once more. She quickly threw on some combat boots before taking a quick glance at herself in the mirror on her way out.

"Kami you look rough, remind yourself to take it fucking easy when you get home tonight." She thought, shaking her head as she darted in a full sprint toward the training fields.

Upon arrival, her peers were already there - Sasuke, Sakura and Naruto. However, no sensei. She squinted her eyes in pure annoyance as she thought, "What the fuck was the point of rushing around and missing breakfast only for sensei to be late?!"

She groaned and plopped down at the base of a tree near her peers, being careful to avoid making eye contact with Sasuke. After last night, she was hoping to interact as little as possible. However, she was aware that it was inevitable that they would need to work together during training at some point... but waiting a little while longer to interact wouldn't hurt.

Just as she was mulling this over in her head she was scared by a sudden "Hn." from behind her. Her heart rate shot through the roof instantly as she grabbed her chest. "Kami, Uchiha-san?!" She shouted turning behind her to see him coolly standing beside her with his arms crossed and eyes closed. Instead of answering he just looked away in the same position.

"What is with this guy?" She thought, rolling her eyes.

Sakura and Naruto began complaining about Kakashi being so late as now two hours have passed by without a sign of him. She went and placed a reassuring hand on both their shoulders and smiled warmly. "I'm sure he will be here any minute, please don't get all worked up before training. We will need our energy." She said raising her hand into a thumbs up at them.

"You're right Miku-chan! We should conserve our energy!" Naruto shouted excitedly. She almost wondered if he understood what conserving energy meant as she sweatdropped, shaking her hands in front of her.

A few moments later she looked up and Kakashi was finally strolling over. "Hello-" He started before Sakura and Naruto were back to complaining about his lateness, but this time to his face.

Miku rolled her eyes and pinched her nose frustratedly. She sat back down as Kakashi-sensei moved from one of the worst excuses for being late she had ever heard to explaining why they were all actually there.

"So I am putting you all through one more training before I agree to train you." Kakashi began.

"I have these three bells, the point is for you to try to take them from me. If you get a bell, you pass." He said flatly.

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