Chapter 16 | Not so Loving After All [TW/Lemon]

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***** There is a r*pe lemon at the end of this chapter, it will be marked by asterisks when it begins. If this makes you uncomfortable, then after the asterisks you can skip and won't miss anything! ******


"Miku-chan... I-I... I don't know what to say to this. You knew how I felt about Sasuke, and your feelings or not... your intentions or not... h-how could you?" She fought to get out as her eyes welled up with tears. Your heart broken in two as your hands shot across the table to grip hers.

You rubbed your thumbs across the back of her hands attempting to soothe her even though you were the source of her pain. You hoped that despite your mask and attire, that she would be able to feel your emotions through it all.

"B-but now I'm just being selfish," She sniffled. "I never told you what happened a long time ago... Sasuke-kun and I fought after a night of us all drinking. And I-I... I told him I hated him. I never talked to him after that and... at first it hurt you know? He was my crush for so long, and after a fight I lost even a friendship with him. And you had tried so hard to get us together, even interfering with Sakura's advances toward him for me. Advocating for me. You were there to support us from the start. So I didn't have the heart to tell you when I suddenly... I suddenly realized that I didn't care for him like that anymore. As the days and months dragged on, I suddenly felt better, lighter...It's not that I like someone else, I just realized that...that chasing after a man that doesn't love you just isn't all that. I'm so much happier spending my time and energy with my friends and following my dreams!" She said tearfully.

Now it was your turn to be frozen in place as you digested her words.

"What I'm trying to say Miku-chan.... Is even though this still hurt me in some way, its selfish of me to feel that way because I don't actually like Sasuke-kun like that anymore. And I haven't for awhile. What I'm saying is it's ok... really. No- don't give me that expression. I can still tell even with that mask on. I'm not just saying this Miku-chan. It's ok, he and you can do whatever you like. That chapter is closed in my life now." She said not beaming strongly. It was almost convincing.

You scribbled some more down on the notebook, expressing your concerns and that you didn't believe her.

"I'm being serious! Just because I was still initially shocked and hurt doesn't mean I'm still in love with him." She said crossing her arms. She huffed in annoyance as irk marks popped up on her forehead.

"And I love you too much anyways, I don't want you to ever shut me out again and I certainly don't want a brooding selfish boy to get in the way of our friendship!" She said haughtily as she crashed her first on the table. You jolted at the intensity of her reaction but began to tear up.

All you wrote was, "I love you Ino-chan. Please let me know if I ever hurt you again... I never want to be the source of your pain ever. You are one of my dearest friends, along with Shika-kun."

The rest of the night was filled with laughter and girlish discussions sprawled across the notebook, reminding you of better times. Your heart felt a little lighter once more.


Miku's P.O.V.

A bead of sweat drips down the side of your face as you quickly dodge and duck all of Kakashi's blows. You had to admit, the man was faster than lightning and he was proven to be much harder of an opponent than your regular genin teammates.

" wonder he's a jonin," You thought exasperately as you back flipped away from him, wiping the blood from your lip from a punch he'd landed just a few moments earlier. In a flash of hand signs you disappeared from before him and reappeared in a hiding place amongst the trees as you desperately tried to cover your chakra. You needed a breather and a new game plan to get to him.

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