Chapter 2 | Present Day

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 - 13 years later -

Miku rested her head on her hand as she dreamily looked out the window. She had passed her exams and was awaiting Iruka-sensei's assignment of squads. She had been hoping to be paired up with Shikamaru, Ino, or even Choji. She had become closest to Shikamaru and Ino during her time in academy and hoped the most to be on one of their teams. She didn't much care for the others in the class, or just simply didn't know them well enough.

Miku P.O.V.

Iruka-sensei finally arrived and you could feel the excitement in the room. As everyone settled down to hear their teams, you played with your hands nervously in your lap.

"Due to the extra number this year, we will be having one squad that has four members. So the squads are as follows...

Team 7 - Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, Sasuke Uchiha and Miku Takahashi

Team 8 - Hinata Hyūga, Kiba Inuzuka, Shino Aburame

Team 9 - Rock Lee, Neji Hyūga, Tenten

Team 10 - Shikamaru Nara, Chōji Akimichi, Ino Yamanaka....

Now you will all meet your respective sensei's tomorrow." He said with a wave before disappearing.

You sighed to yourself and looked sadly over at Ino and Shikamaru who glanced back at you with the same expression. You gathered your things and walked over with a small smile. "I am so happy you are all in a team together! How exciting," you say softly, still smiling with your eyes closed.

"Thank you Miku-chan. I wish you were with us though! I would have loved to train with you. At least you're on Sasuke-kun's team!" Ino beamed as she blushed. Despite your close friendship, you never understood her or the other girls' obsession over Sasuke Uchiha. He never really interacted with others and only seemed annoyed by others' presence. It made you uncomfortable because you never wanted to be a nuisance or burden to others so his attitude was successful in keeping you at bay. You also hated confrontation and the way he spoke to the other girls when they fangirled over him gave you the same uneasy, anxious feeling.

"Oh I don't really care about him. I hope my team works out okay, I don't know Sakura-san or Sasuke-san that well, and Naruto-san seems to be a bit high-energy for me..." you say sheepishly rubbing the back of your head.

"Yes, Sakura-san is so annoying, that ridiculous billboard brow... and so is that Naruto-san. I hope for your sake they get along as well us. But hey, let's forget about teams this evening and grab ramen altogether?" Ino asked. She knew just what to do whenever you were uncomfortable or upset. It was the reason you two had grown so close.

"That sounds great! Choji-san too right?" You asked grinning.

Shikamaru responded, "Of course he is, Choji-kun would never turn down food."

With that statement Choji chuckled and nodded fervently while throwing up an enthusiastic double thumbs up.

You nodded and smiled before walking out altogether to the ramen shop each ordering your favorites.

"Ahh it smells so good!" You cooed happily as they placed your bowl in front of you. "I hope we can still do this often even when we are training with our teams." I stated.

"I hope so too! I wonder who we will have... I hope they aren't too scary." Ino said thoughtfully as she picked up her chopsticks.

You nodded in agreement as you shoveled ramen into your mouth. You were happy to be among your few friends, even if it was just for a little while. "Hey Ino-chan..." you asked softly.

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