Chapter 22 | Someone Save Me - Part 1

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You wondered if just like your many traumas, Gaara had gone through hell and back as well, just based on the look in his eyes from that day. You sipped your tea and continued to play with his hair for quite some time. You mindlessly stared out the window thinking of all the past memories in Suna, only startled out of your thoughts by a soft groan and pressure on your hand. You glanced down to see Gaara stirring awake, he had pressed his head more into the palm of your hand and nuzzled it. Seeking a long lost comfort. You decided to try your luck and sit at the edge of the bed to wake him. Your thumb slowly rubbed across his cheek bone as you set your empty teacup down. "Gaara-kun, its time to get up sleepyhead," You cooed softly into his ear.

"Miku-chan..." he mumbled in his sleep. Your heart fluttered at the sound. It was so innocently said, like how he used to say it. "Gaara-kun," You said again as you began to lightly shake him. His eyes suddenly shot open as he stared up at you hovering slightly above him. His eyes shot back and forth between yours before pushing you back so he could sit up.

"Where am I?" He asked gruffly. "Am I asleep?" He asked in confusion as he stared around the room before his eyes landed back at you.

"My apartment, I don't know how you got here either. I woke up and you were just there. Maybe you just got the wrong apartment since we apparently live next door to each other as I found out last night..." You said carefully as you moved yourself further away.

"So this isn't a dream?" He asked skeptically, his fingers ruffling through his hair in disbelief.

"No... this is real life," You reiterated. You watched as his facial expression hardened as he began to actually process that he was not in fact dreaming. Although you wondered if you should feel flattered that his dreams would involve your apartment.

"How did I get here then?" He asked again. "Boy this kid doesn't listen..." You thought with slight annoyance.

"How the hell should I know? I woke up with you sleeping next to me." You said hotly with your arms crossed. You huffed with annoyance and turned your head away.

"Slept? actually sleeping? For how long?" He asked as he clutched his head.

"I don't know, I let you sleep another hour or two after I woke up, so at least that long," You said with a shrug.

"Why does it matter?" You continued after he got up abruptly with a look of concern on his face. "Are you alright?" You asked as you reached out to touch his arm. He moved quickly to avoid your touch before snarling, "Don't touch me. I need to leave."

You frowned and sighed. You pointed to the direction of the front door as you rubbed your temples. A headache was beginning to form from this chaos of this morning. Just when you felt relaxed. Within the blink of an eye he disappeared, the front door slamming shut. You could faintly hear a door open and close in the hallway, signaling his return to his own apartment.

****There is a scene that is violent and could be triggering to some so TW will be marked by asterisks and you can skip to the next chapter****

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Miku's P.O.V.

"And he just walked away after that? He didn't even say anything?" Ino prodded as you walked closely huddled together down the Konoha shopping district in hushed tones.

"Yea, I have no idea how he got there or what his problem was... it was so bizarre," You whispered back before Ino tugged you into a nearby boutique.

"Bizarre is an understatement. I can't believe he's living next door to you, wait until Sasuke-san get's a load of that," Ino commented with an arched brow as her fingers glossed over several shirts on display.

Healing Demons [Gaara x Reader/OC x Sasuke]Where stories live. Discover now