Chapter 9 | Life or Death Part 2

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A small smile crept on his lips as he nodded, clearly still deep in thought. You began to nod off sleepily as your eyes fluttered close. You felt comforted by Sasuke's presence and safe knowing he was watching over you, even though you weren't sure how long he would stay with you like this.

After a few moments passed, you felt something soft brush your lips. You froze, but did your best to appear less rigid, like you were still sleeping. "What the heck was that?" You thought. But you felt deep down you knew what it was, and that is why you were terrified to open your eyes to confirm it.

Just as you waged a war in your head of suppressing what you knew it was versus accepting it and opening your eyes, you felt the same feeling but firmer as lips pressed against yours before they pulled away again.

"You don't know how long I've wanted to kiss tell you how I feel. I don't know if you will ever know how much you mean to me...Miku-chan. I didn't quite know how much myself until I thought I lost you with the battle...I wish, I wish I could tell you how I feel but I don't think I am ready...I don't know what the right thing to do is," Sasuke said aloud to himself, believing you to be sleeping soundly as he outwardly waged his internal battles.

You hoped a blush had not crept across your face as you were not absolutely sure that Sasuke had kissed you...and essentially made a declaration of love. You weren't sure how you felt about him, you were conflicted because of Ino's feelings towards him and about your own. Lately, you've felt different around him. Especially the night before when you had just been in his arms cuddling, even though he was unaware. And those times you were goofing off together, the heart pounding moments when your faces were inches from each other. Even now, hearing him call you Miku-chan, your heart fluttered. Could you be developing feelings for Sasuke?


Miku had spent the last several days recovering from her wounds, a local healer coming daily to hasten the process. As more of the bridge became completed, the worse the attacks against the workers became. From what the other's reported to Miku when they returned each day, the numbers slowly dwindled down and so the bridge progress consequently slowed too. It has been about four days that Miku has been recovering, the cut on her back is now fully healed and her broken arm has been mended with a few scratches and bruises left.

This particular morning, Kakashi had told her that she would be able to come to the bridge with them the following day and that Naruto had overworked himself so you were to stay and look after him while he recovered his chakra from practicing chakra control on some trees outside.

Miku's P,O.V.

"Naruto-kunn!" You cried out with annoyance as you tried to shake him awake. The boy only groaned slightly as he turned over, burying his face in his pillows.

"What a pain... I'm so bored here and I want to rejoin the group. I know Kakashi-sensei said tomorrow but I swear its only because this numbskull is still recuperating from overtraining..." You grumbled to yourself internally. In a huff you raised yourself back up and left the room, opting to shower and change before trying to drag Naruto out again.

After getting fixed up you returned to the room to find it empty. With a puzzled look you searched around his room and found nothing. "Where the hell is that baka now?" You mentally growled in frustration. You made your way slowly down the stairs before you could here the idiot chopping and slurping loudly on breakfast. You inhaled slowly as you entered the room and walked up quietly behind him. Before he could realize how close you were behind him you smacked him hard against the back of the head with a closed-eyed stern expression.

Healing Demons [Gaara x Reader/OC x Sasuke]Where stories live. Discover now