Chapter 13 | Mask on, Mask Off

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Sasuke's P.O.V.

You turned to look at Kakashi who was seemingly impressed by Miku's performance despite being out of practice for so long. "Sensei! Let me spar with her, this baka is boring the hell out of me." You shouted over to him.

He looked at you and then at Miku, appearing to have a silent, possibly telepathic communication with her before he looked back at you, "Alright. We're just about finished reviewing anyways."

Miku appeared in a flash before your eyes and you jumped slightly. You had forgotten she could do that. You smirked at her to cover up your surprise. "I won't go easy on you just because you're out of practice you know," You said smugly. She turned her head slightly to the side and stared back at you as if mocking you.

You clenched your teeth and set up in your stance. "Naruto-san go play with Kakashi-sensei," You growled out as you cracked your neck. Naruto rolled his eyes at you and pouted as he walked over to Kakashi sensei to practice something else.

"This should be interesting –" You began....

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Within seconds Miku-san was throwing punches and kicks your way. It appeared she was eager to fight close-range with taijutsu. You quickly attempted to dodge each one but as her speed increased and sweat formed on your brow, you growled in frustration. A single punch backed by her chakra connected to your jaw and sent you flying backwards into a tree. For being out of practice and frailer than she once was, she certainly still packed a punch with her chakra.

You slumped forward against the tree panting heavily as you eyed her. She did not approach you but merely waited several yards away with her arms folded in front of her.

"That's the last hit you'll get," You scoffed as you slowly stood up and glared at her. "Sharingan!" You shouted activating your clan's infamous power.

She appeared not to move much in response, but after a few seconds she shrugged and unfolded her arms as she cracked her knuckles. It unnerved you that she seemed so unbothered or unimpressed by you. Out of the two of you you were the one who had been training the last month or so.

Within seconds she was in front of you again with her fury of punches and kicks but this time you were able to keep up as her movements appeared slower with your sharingan activated.

"Too slow," You mocked as you continued blocking every blow and sending your own her way. She grunted in discomfort as you landed a few punches to her abdomen, one sending her stumbling back a few feet.

You were about to celebrate when her ice chains wrapped tightly around you sending a crushing sensation rattling through your core. "Ah- but when?!" You cried out in frustration. "You didn't even say anything, no hand signs – what the fuck!" You shouted angrily. This caught the attention of your sensei.

She annoying cocked her head to the side again as she approached you, the chains slowly pulling tighter and tighter around you as she got closer. She raised her hand and you closed your eyes and turned away expecting a punch but were surprised when she only playing fully poked your forehead and chuckled softly beneath her mask.

A flashback of your brother doing the same sprawled across your finish in memory. The once comforting gesture only caused anger to quickly surge through your body causing a sinister swirling of chakra along with your anger. You gritted your teeth and used your chakra and strength to burst out of her chains and grab her by the throat.

"How dare you," You hissed as you had her pinned against a tree by her throat. Her hands flung to your wrists as she attempted to claw you away but you gave her no time to react as your other hand pulled back and landed blow after blow at her head and face. The mask did not crack despite your rage and frustration being unloaded blow after blow, which only angered you more. You tossed her aggressively to the ground as you began to kick her abdomen before she caught your foot in her hands, causing you to stumble and topple over on to the ground.

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