Chapter 26 | Admissions Under Genjutsu

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Temari looked at him fiercely before she stood up and began to put her shoes on. "Where are you going now?" Kankuro asked as he began to move toward her.

"Back off! If you're all going to be idiots then go ahead. But if I can't save father then at least I can try to save Miku-san. She clearly laid her life on the line, she's one of the few people we can trust and we know from spending time with her that she's a good person. She doesn't deserve what's probably happening to her. I can only hope I'm not too late." She said angrily as she buckled her sandals securely. She reached and grabbed her travel pack as she began shoving random supplies in it.

Kankuro sighed in frustration. "Fine, I'll go with you then." He said as he began to put his own shoes on and grab his bag.

"Don't come unless you're invested. We are going into a territory that hates us right now, anything could happen. I want no regrets," Temari said stoically as she faced Kankuro. His face turned into a thin line as he nodded in deep understanding. "Got it." He responded as he began to pack his own bags.

You watched them in their flurry get ready and wondered why you suddenly felt amiss. Like you suddenly didn't know what to do with yourself without them. They headed toward the door before you stood and cleared your throat in the hall. They turned to look at you and arched a brow. "Don't tell me you're coming too," Kankuro groaned as he saw you pick up your gourd.

"Clearly you'll both get yourself killed without me," You said as you rolled your eyes and strolled forward.

"Or maybe you want a chance to play hero to your lady," Kankuro joked as he slapped you playfully on your back as you quickly brushed his hand off.

"I don't have a lady," You growled.

"But you want one, with our current damsel in distress," Temari cooed playfully. Kankuro turned and smiled at Temari, seeing her smile for the first time in the last several days.

A light blush crept across your cheeks as you hurried your pace in front of them in order to avoid their gazes falling back on you and discovering your burning red cheeks. "Why am I blushing?" ....

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It wasn't easy but once you three arrived into the inner chambers of the ANBU you finally found her. She appeared thinner, disheveled and barely awake. Her head was slumped forward and her eyes half lidded. She had chakra draining cuffs on her wrists and ankles that held some slack as they anchored themselves in the wall behind her. She might have been able to sit if she wasn't being hoisted up by an ANBU's fist which clutched around her shirt and held her up. Temari signaled to you and Kankuro to stay quiet as you all looked closer at the scene to assess the best way to retrieve her.

On your way into the inner chambers you had overheard a blonde women you'd come to know as Tsunade arguing with some of the front guards about getting you out. However, she'd seemed unsuccessful which came to your disappointment. It would be much simpler if Miku was simply let go instead of kidnapped out of their hands.

Your attention was brought back to the scene before you as you heard a guttural scream escape Miku's lips as a burning hot iron shaped as a "T" was branded into her back. At the mere sound alone you jumped up in anger but was held back firmly by Temari's hand. Her expression was mixed with what appeared to be empathy and anger at the same time. She shook her head fervently to convey her message in which you glared at her in response but quietly obeyed and sat back down.

"Again, tell me why you aided Suna shinobi in the battle?" The man asked. His face was covered in scars from what you could see. His eyes full of hate and disgust.

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