Chapter 14 | Jealousy and Desire [Lemon]

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A/N: There is a lemon in this chapter toward the end, it is marked by "****".

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"I...I miss when I was the only broken one. I hate seeing you like this," He admitted quietly. He placed one his hands over yours and thumbed across the back of your hand thoughtfully. While his words may have been well intentioned, they stung.

You frowned in response to his statement, you had always been broken too, he just happened to be more broken while you had been working to repair yourself after your family's death. Had he really not noticed that you were still hurt by that? That you were still a broken individual? How selfish has he been to only notice just now that you're broken?

"I just miss my best friend. I miss talking to you when I'm struggling, I miss talking about our life goals. I miss your smile and the way you always knew how to cheer me up, even if you were being an idiot," He continued after a moment.

You weren't sure what made him continue, but your confusion about him only continued. Was this all really that one-sided? There are some nice things trickled in there, but it seemed so self-serving for him.

You shook your head as your frown deepened, and with the inability to express yourself you merely laid down in bed and got under the covers. Maybe with a fresh mind tomorrow your feelings would clear up about what he was talking about.

He followed your lead and got under the covers too, and without hesitation you felt his arms wrap around you from behind as he pulled you close to him, his head nuzzling in the crook of your neck again.

You sighed, with content however. Despite your confused feelings at the moment, you couldn't deny that his touch still brought you comfort. You felt his lips brush across your neck as he kissed you softly and relaxed a little. Despite his sudden affections being so direct and out of the blue for him, you welcomed the change in this moment and allowed your body to relax into a deep sleep as you held onto him. It seemed the Uchiha might just have deeper feelings than you realized...or he could be missing his best friend and you're just reading too much into it – but for now, you let yourself both fall asleep together in the comfort of each other.

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Daylight broke earlier than usual, causing your eyelids to flutter open at the streams of light peaking through your shades. You groaned in displeasure as you shifted away from the window. As you rolled over your hand knocked softly against an object in which you suddenly tensed in surprised to. Your eyes flew back open quickly as you analyzed the object and immediately relaxed when you noticed it was only Sasuke. His breaths were slow and even, eyelids softly closed. It was evident that he was still deep in sleep at this hour.

You smiled softly to yourself, taking a finger to trace the outlines of his face. It was not often that you would find him so at peace. Despite his vulnerable confessions to you last night, it stemmed from a place not of peace but of anguish and hurt from your absence. This kid was only ever suffering with pain or anger, he was never at peace with himself. It made your heart break to see him suffering so much, and made you both selfish and sad to be relishing in his peaceful sleep. You were hoping he was having a pleasant dream, if not at least having a dreamless sleep. It was these moments that you felt you would do anything for him. It was a feeling so strong in your heart, but you weren't sure what it was exactly. It honestly terrified you. Why did you care so much about him? Even after his words last night, you ignored your confusion in these moments and felt blinded by the warm feelings he gave you when you watched him be happy in your presence.

In your thoughts ramblings you realized your fingers had stopped right on his lips. The soft fanning of his breath on your fingertips brought you back to the present moment. You blushed slightly as you moved them away and back to the small space between you and Sasuke's bodies. His lips were soft and while inviting, it felt wrong to steal a kiss – "A kiss? Oh god Miku what are you thinking?!" You thought quickly scolding yourself. "You don't even know if he likes you or you like him – what is the point of wanting a kiss you stupid girl!" You groaned internally.

Healing Demons [Gaara x Reader/OC x Sasuke]Where stories live. Discover now