Chapter 8 | Life or Death Part 1

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That morning did not go as smoothly as Team 7 had thought. They had walked back toward where the boats were with Tazuna in order to shop around for some food for dinner before working on the bridge later. The dirt road stretched long and far as the group walked along under the beating sun.

"How long do you think we will be here sensei?" Naruto asked as he shoved his hands in his pocket and pouted. It appeared even this mission hadn't satisfied his taste for danger, the shinobi lifestyle he wanted to feel a part of.

Kakashi sighed as he continued reaching his book. Without looking up he responded, "As long as it takes for this bridge to be built."

Naruto groaned and began walking ahead of the group, visible waves of disappointment coming off of him. Miku and Sasuke shared an unplanned chuckle together as they shook their heads. The group didn't know why, as they had gone undiscovered in their moment of closeness that morning, as to why the pair were glued to each other more than usual. As the pair walked their shoulders would brush together and despite their silence they both held small smirks to themselves.

Just as the moment seemed to ease in to calm there was a loud shout from Naruto as he released a kunai into the woods. Everyone jumped at the sound and looked toward where the kunai landed only to see it had hit a tree...right above a poor white rabbit's head.

"NARUTO-SAN!" Sakura growled as she began to scold Naruto for his idiocracy. Tazuna and Sasuke became distracted by the pair as Miku's attention was drawn to her sensei's.

Miku's P.O.V.

"Why is Kakashi-sensei staring so long at that rabbit?" You pondered thoughtfully to yourself. There had to be a reason he hadn't quite looked away yet. If Naruto really was just being an idiot then Kakashi would have kept walking no? A frown formed on your face as your senses became heightened. You were now acutely aware that something might be more off about this morning than just Naruto acting out.

As you listened to your surroundings you suddenly realized that the birds chirping in the air were silent. "Why is it so quiet? .... Too quiet," You thought as you placed a hand on your katana discreetly. Kakashi gave you a knowing glance as you responded with a nod.

In an instant you heard movement in the trees and looked up to see a large man, who's chakra was now bursting through your senses, jumping high into the air to see him release his large sword toward your group.

Your eyes widened as you heard Kakashi yell quickly, "EVERYONE GET DOWN!" Everyone barely got to the ground before the blade narrowly missed Tazuna. You mentally cursed yourself for not responding quickly enough to the oncoming sword but reserved yourself to just crawling over to Tazuna to check on him.

"Are you ok?" You asked as your eyes scanned over him to see if he was injured.

"Y-Yes... I think so." He said shakily, barely lifting his head up for your eyes to meet. You nodded firmly at him as you looked to your sensei.

Kakashi looked at the blade now stuck on a tree trunk, as the man you saw earlier stood above it, glaring down menacingly at Kakashi and your group.

"If I'm not mistaken..he's the Rogue Ninja of the Hidden Mist – Zabuza Momochi!" Kakashi reported now standing and walking towards him. You all stared at each other wearily as you followed suit in standing, but not leaving your places just yet. You all instead got into defensive positions around Tazuna.

You figured if you stayed back with the group, it would allow this Zabuza guy to underestimate you. As you smirked to yourself at the thought of battle with this man should Kakashi need help – a flash of orange ran past you. Your eyes darted to Naruto running forward ready to leap up toward Zabuza before Kaskashi caught the back of his shirt with his hand and pulled him back.

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