Chapter 6 | New Mission

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Miku's P.O.V.

You woke up groggily with a throbbing headache and groaned clutching your head. You attempted to roll over but only found your face crashing into a solid object.

"Oof-" You exclaimed as you opened your eyes to find yourself in Shikamaru's chest. "Oh no... what did I do last night??!" You thought worriedly as a blush crept on your cheeks. You racked your brain trying to go over the events of last night and as you pieced it together you sighed in relief and let out a small chuckle. "I can't believe I almost drunkenly kissed my best friend! I have to quit the booze," You mused as you smirked.

You looked back up at Shikamaru's sleeping figure watching his slow breathing and peaceful expression. You couldn't help but think about how, while you had no romantic feelings for the boy, you had to admit he was quite handsome. After a moment, your fingers reached out to tuck a lose strand of his hair behind his ear. His hair had fallen down around his face out of his hair tie at some point throughout the night.

Just as you were bringing your hand back you felt a groan rumble through Shikamaru's chest as his arms reached out, pulling you closer into his chest. You stiffened at the gesture and quickly looked at his face to realize the idiot was still fast asleep, probably assuming you were a pillow. You shook your head again and chuckled, allowing the closeness for a little while. It had been awhile since you were close to someone like this and it felt comforting. Without any family around, there wasn't really any comforting hugs or embraces anymore.

Squinting at the sun gleaming through the window, you figured you had a little while longer before you had to meet up at the Hokage's office with your team, so you resolved a little more shut eye couldn't hurt. You nuzzled your head closer into Shikamaru's chest and breathed in his familiar scent of cigarette smoke and fresh grass. Some may think you were crazy, but you quite liked the light smell of cigarettes on the Nara boy, it was comforting some how. As your eyes slowly closed, sleep overtook you quickly.

As you slept, Shikamaru stirred awake himself and sleepily tightened his grip on you, pulling you closer as he nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck. However, just as he was comfortable he shot straight up quickly realizing what he just did. "Kami Shikamaru, what are you doing cuddling up to Miku-Chan?!" He thought worried as his chest heaved up and down quickly from shock. After several moments his breathing returned to normal as he watched your sleeping figure. Despite his sudden jump, it had not disturbed you enough as you slept heavily. He stared at your face, admiring its beauty and peace. He smiled at the thought as he rested his elbows on his legs, still sitting up in bed.

"To think.... In another life, we might have been something else. I can't believe we almost kissed last night, that would have been such a mess. Kami she's so beautiful but, I don't think we could ever ruin this friendship with something romantic like that. A relationship just sounds like a drag anyways," Shikamaru thought as he imaged how the scenario would have played out. A light blush crossed his cheeks at remembering how you both almost kissed but disappeared as he remembered how much he would dread a relationship and how he didn't think he felt romantically anything toward you like that. He was happy to have your friendship, and was grateful, but taking a it farther would just unnecessarily complicate things. Maybe you both were attracted to each other, but Shikamaru understood that while that was normal, he was glad you both didn't make the mistake of acting on that basis alone.

Shikamaru let you sleep a little longer as he got up to shower and change before he woke you up to do the same.

- - - - - - -

You made it to the Hokage's office, a little late after having to leave Shikamaru's to shower and change at your apartment. As you entered the doors you saw your teammates, but not your sensei. You sighed in slight annoyance but paused when you looked at Sasuke who appeared to avoid all eye contact with you. "What is with him this morning?" You thought curiously. You figured maybe something happened between him and Ino last night, making a smile spread across your lips as you strode to stand next to him.

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