Chapter 24 | Hard to Kill

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"Miku-chan! What happened to you? Sasuke-san!" Kakashi shouted as he began to absorb the view before him. He shot a glare over at you before he looked over both of his students. You dropped Sasuke to the floor as your sand retreated into your gourd.

"What is your purpose here?" Kakashi began to question you before Miku put a hand on his shoulder and shook her head.

"It was Sasuke who did this," She said soflty, avoiding making eye contact with her sensei. Kakashi's rage filled eyes turned to Sasuke as he grabbed him roughly by the shirt.

"If you can't get your shit together I will have no choice but to commit you to a hospital. You've completely lost your mind! How dare you leave my sight while we are training for the Chunin exams and come here to hurt her. As if she hasn't been through enough, especially with you! Whether I commit you to the hospital or we finish our training I want you to know from here on out we are done. I will no longer be your sensei from the moment you set foot in a hospital or finish the Chunin exams. I cannot stand by as you tarnish my image as a teacher by ignoring what I've been teaching you and the values instilled in you from your own village," Kakashi angrily scolded Sasuke. At the threat of the hospital Sasuke grew deathly quiet and avoided eye contact with his sensei. As he turned his attention to Miku his eyes softened as he spoke, "You should go to the hospital to get checked out. I can take you."

She merely shook her head and crossed her arms anxiously behind her as she looked down. "N-no, that's okay. I can take myself. You both need to get back to training for the Chunin exams... I can handle myself. I promise," She said. Kakashi frowned and appeared to mull it over before he slowly nodded.

"I promise I won't let him out of my sight, you have my word Miku-chan," Kakashi said with a stern tone. You struggled to understand their relationship dynamic. "I seriously thought Suna was the only one with fucked up dynamics..." You thought to yourself with an arched brow as you crossed your arms.

She only nodded and ushered them both out the door before she shut it quietly behind them. She appeared to forget you were still there as she closed her eyes and let her back slide down the door, her head once again falling into her hands. You weren't sure what to do as you stared down at her. Now that you had intervened you weren't sure what you were supposed to do now.

"Gaara-kun?" She asked quietly, causing your heart to skip a beat and you to be pulled back to the present moment once more.

"Hm?" You responded as you slowly walked closer to her.

"Can I ask you something?" She said, her eyes still not meeting yours. You froze in your spot as you wondered what she might say...

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"Why did you come here?" She asked softly.

You remained frozen with the same emotionless expression. You weren't really sure exactly why you had come, you just had this irresistible urge. But why was the urge there? You couldn't really come up with a sound answer so you instead chose to be quiet.

She bit her lip and looked away from you as she ran her small hands through her hair. She winced slightly after grazing the area that was wounded. She must have forgotten.

"Tch," She said with annoyance. She rose from her position on the floor and walked toward her bathroom. You could hear her rustling around in her bathroom. "I probably should leave..." You thought to yourself as you shifted your footing around awkwardly waiting for your mind to make itself up. A part of you was screaming at you to leave, that you had no reason to be there and shouldn't have been in the first place. But another small part of you wanted to stay with her some more, but it could hardly enlighten you as to why.

Healing Demons [Gaara x Reader/OC x Sasuke]Where stories live. Discover now