Chapter 36 | Final *Lemon*

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***Lemon marked by 3 asterisks 

"It's not something physically going on, it's mentally," The doctor responded after a few moments. This doctor had been the same to see her several times throughout her stay here and was familiar with her case.

"You mean this has something to do with her memories?" Temari asked.

"Perhaps... I have given her something to calm her and bring her fever down. But we should keep a close eye... I fear that something might have triggered her memories to come flooding back too fast. With all that she has been through, that is far too much trauma for one's psyche to go through so quickly. We won't know for sure until this passes and she wakes up," The doctor said with some concern. Temari looked between the doctor and you before she asked, "Does that mean she will be okay?"

"I believe so, this may look scary but so long as we can keep her under control and let her rest then she will eventually settle out as everything falls back into place," The doctor said. They looked at you with deep sympathy as they gave you a small pat on the back.

"Maybe you should get some rest too. Nothing too concerning to be worried about, I can monitor her from here on out. I'll let you know when she wakes up," The doctor said with a small smile. You could barely function as Temari guided you out of the room back to your old room. She repeatedly kept telling you everything was going to be fine and reiterating what the doctor said. While the potential for her memories to be coming back was a good thing, you were terrified for her mind as the doctor had mentioned the traumas all at once could be too much for her psyche. You also wondered if some memories might be missing that could not just be old memories but what if she forgets what just happened? Or what if the doctor is wrong and there really is something to be concerned about? If it was really too late...

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"Gaara, you don't have to come with us – there are more important things right now than rubbing elbows with a few of the elites in Konoha. Just make sure you check in on Miku-chan while she continues to recover while I'm gone," Temari said with a tight smile. She moved closer to where you sat, her arms wrapping around you from behind as her head rested on your shoulder. Your hands moved to squeeze hers briefly to communicate your tense feelings but you had yet to speak. You had been worried about this upcoming trip to Konoha and what that would mean for Miku who was still resting. You hadn't seen her in several days now as Temari took watch over her. Temari had reported that Miku may wake soon but that she often still broke out in sweats and cried. All you could think about is what if she woke up and no one was there for her, to help her through whatever she might be feeling. Would she be scared? You frowned unconsciously letting your emotions read clearly across your face.

"She'll be okay with you there, we will make the trip as brief as possible. And don't you worry, we'll be on our best behavior, now won't we Kankuro?" Temari said with a smirk as she glanced at the deviant himself.

"Of course," Kankuro said with a roll of his eyes. "Can we go now? This place has become so suffocating now," Kankuro growled as he moved to leave the room, not before a quick smack upside the head from Temari.

"Have a heart Kankuro, see this is why you're still single –" Temari rattled on, their voices becoming silent as the doors shut behind them. You let out a heavy sigh that you'd been holding back and let your head fall into your hands.

Kankuro did have a point, with all the things surrounding Miku and yourself, there was no doubt about a heavy energy around this place. In your mind you had your doubts, would the universe really have this much come in between two people if they were really meant to be together? It's not just exhausting for you but for your family. But you couldn't just let this all go, and it made you feel terribly selfish. How much more did you have to give? How much more patience or hope in this situation panning could you muster? In no way had you ever loved another, but maybe that was your curse to bare. Never being with the one person you love more than anything in this world.

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