Chapter 25 | A Loss and Left Behind

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"Leave them alone," You growled darkly attempting to muster up more energy in your voice than you had.

Sasuke only laughed darkly in response as he stalked forward. "Look at you, so weak and pathetic. You can barely even stand and you think you can talk to me like that?" He mocked you as he pretended to wiggle his own legs unsteadily.

You gritted your teeth in anger and held your tongue as your grip tightened on the kunai. "I will kill you where you stand if you lay a finger on them," You reiterated.

"Funny, I think I'll be the only one here capable of killing at this point. So sad you healed them up, it would have gone so much faster for them being so close to the brink already," He said with a laugh.

He swiftly moved toward Gaara which caused your eyes to widen as they followed his movements. You moved the kunai to his throat but he merely dodged it and then ripped it from your hands. He then made a movement to plunge it into Gaara's chest but somehow you made it in time to block it. It pierced through both of your forearms as your back laid across Gaara's chest in protection. "Grr," you growled out in pain as you gritted your teeth to hold back a cry of pain. As he ripped out the kunai from your arms causing blood to pour out you heard another rustle from the side and saw Kankuro and Temari step out.

"Looks like we have a pest to take care of," Kankuro said with his eyes darkening.

"If it isn't purple boy and pineapple pompoms," Sasuke said with a smirk. This only caused the siblings to glare and get into a fighting stance.

"Not so fast," He said as he grabbed you roughly and held the kunai to your own throat. They hesitated slightly at the sight. While wanting to save their brother, their brother's suspected-secret-crush dying was also something they didn't want to happen.

The blade pressed into your throat as the siblings eyed each other, appearing to communicate without words. "Just save the others –" You managed to get out before Sasuke's hand jerked attempting to slice your throat swiftly. Your eyes shut tightly waiting for the inevitable before you fell to the ground. You went to clutch your throat but found that you had barely been cut at all. You looked up to find Gaara standing before you, clutching Sasuke throat tightly with his bare hands...

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"So pathetic..." Gaara's monotone voice drawled out. It was if he had been unaffected this whole time. His hands continue to linger around Sasuke's neck as Sasuke clawed and kicked to get free. Sasuke gasped for breath as his eyes found yours. You were hunched forward still panting heavily from your own assault and fatigue as you continued to stare up at the scene before you. Sasuke's eyes seemed pleading in your direction. But what were you to do? Scenes were flashing before your eyes mixing reality with memories of your childhood assault when attackers attempted to kill you along with your family. The blade to your throat caused those horrid memories to be drudged up forward and your eyes began to well with tears. They dropped and mixed amongst the blood dripping down your arms.

"M-m-Miku-" He breathed out barely above a whisper. You stood slowly as your attention focused back on the reality before you. You bit your lip in a sad attempt to keep you grounded and walked toward the pair. Gaara's eyes flicked to you cautiously, assessing what you assumed were your intentions as you moved closer. You placed a hand around Gaara's waist momentarily and felt his body stiffen as you removed a shuriken from his side pocket. "Something's never change," You thought with amusement to yourself. You smirked to yourself at finding out that Gaara kept his weapons in the same pocket, not that he ever used them much.

Your hand movements only made Sasuke squirm and his eyes burn with anger. "Sasuke-san, I don't know what kind of person you thought I was. But I am not so forgiving of those who do evil..." You said menacingly as your hand drew up holding the point of the shuriken above his eyes. "How precious are these eyes to you?" You said dangerously as you began to slowly lower the shuriken. Of course they were precious, they were the last thing he had of his clan.

Healing Demons [Gaara x Reader/OC x Sasuke]Where stories live. Discover now