Chapter 5 | Thwarted Matchmaker

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 - - - Fast-Forward w/ Summary - - -

During the last several months, Team 7 had spent a lot of time together doing various missions. These were not difficult missions, just simply helping out the local people of Konoha with simple tasks such as retrieving lost pets, yard work, etc. Sasuke and Miku remained the stand-outs of Team 7 for their skill and maturity. Naruto was advancing and so was Sakura in her own way. Naruto was still unfocused but was impressive with what appeared to be a never amount of chakra supply and determination.

Miku and Sasuke eventually began speaking again, not acknowledging what had happened before the bell training. They spent a great deal of their off time together training and sparring, but occasionally relaxed together. Their friendship had grown the strongest of the teammates, especially as they opened up about their families and bonded over being orphans. It was something only few could understand.

Miku had formally introduced Shikamaru and Sakura and the three practiced strategy skills together a lot. Sakura and Miku became closer from that, but not exactly best friends since Miku did not want to create a weird dynamic since she was best friends with Ino and both of them had huge crushes on Sasuke, Shikamaru, Ino and Choji were still Miku's closest friends.

Miku spent some of her time with Sasuke trying to convince him to go for Ino. He always reminded her that he didn't care about girls and cared only about his life's mission. Despite that, she would always try to find ways to invite Ino to spend time with them as a group or get them alone together. At first it was really hard, but now Sasuke seems to put up with her antics. He seems to only tolerate Ino however, and sadly hasn't falling madly in love with her as Miku had hoped. However, as Ino's best friend, she knew she couldn't stop trying.

Kakashi and Miku trained a lot together separately, and he discovered a lot of her jutsus and worked on strengthening them. He resolved to train her on his own jutsus when she had mastered her own. She was coming along nicely in her mastery of her own, and they had also begun sharpening her sword skills since she hadn't practiced them much since her father passed. He was very impressed with how far she had come with medical ninjutsu and how she learned wind style jutsus as well.

Kakashi had been speaking with the Hokage about her a lot more frequently. They both shared the same thoughts in that she was very promising. The Hokage was interested in recruiting her soon for ANBU as a medical shinobi for one of the squads. Kakashi was to continue reporting her growth to the Hokage, but he was weary about the Hokage's intentions of making her ANBU as he was reminded of what those missions were like. He did not want Miku to suffer the same life experiences he had and wind up alone, or worse... dead.

- - - Present Day- - -

Miku and Sasuke were both sitting under one of the trees in the training fields panting heavily.

"Where did you learn that?" Sasuke asked in a huff.

Miku only smiled and chuckled. "I have been training every day Sasuke-san, did you think that I wouldn't learn something new behind your back?"

Sasuke glared at her as he wiped the sweat off his forehead. Miku had just used a new jutsu, at least new to Sasuke. It was a jutsu that combined her water and lightning styles that amplified each other. She called it 'Electrocution Jutsu' as that is exactly what would happen if a person got trapped in it. She would soak the ground with water, raising the edges as sharp ice, to trap the person within it, and then infuse her lightning into the water on the ground causing the person standing in it to be at the mercy of the lightning raging throughout their body. She could change the strength of the lightning to determine the lethality of the attack. She was quite proud of it and was working on figuring out other ways to combine her other chakra natures.

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