Chapter 7 | A Growing Bond

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Miku's P.O.V.

The boat ride to the Land of Waves was quite long. You sighed with disappointed as you rested your chin on your hand, gazing into nothingness. It might have been a breathtaking view taking a nice long boat ride through the waters...but with all of your luck the fog was so dense you could hardly see anything in front of you. You could hear the discussion around the subject amongst your peers, and how the cover of fog was useful in protecting you all from being easily picked off in the waters if it were not for the fog covering disguising your arrival.

The rest of the journey to the boat had been pretty uneventful, you and Sasuke walked mostly in silence but were at least talking here and there. It seems his attitude had improved a little throughout the mission which you were glad about. Sakura and Naruto appeared glum still having been scolded by Kakashi. A frown covered your face as you changed to glance at them. "Poor Sakura-chan and Naruto-chan, they'll get it next time for sure!" You thought to yourself.

After a few moments you leaned forward, placing your head in your lap on top of your crossed arms. The faint sounds of Kakashi and Tazuna discussing his situation and what would become of the mission at landfall could be heard as you slowly drifted off to sleep. You weren't sure how long you had slept on the waters but you were woken up by a sudden strong beam of light. Grumbling, you rubbed your eyes and opened them to squint at the source to find that you were now in the Land of Waves. At this point, the fog was nowhere to be found and the sun glistened happily over the choppy waters and warmed your cheeks.

You mentally cursed yourself for taking a nap in the first place before exiting the boat with Tazuna and your teammates. "Alright – get me home safely now!" Tazuna said determined.

"Yea yea..." Naruto grumbled, a loud growling coming from his stomach.

"When do we get to eat?" You asked feeling your own hunger pains.

"Didn't you bring any snacks?" Kakashi asked as he stared between the both of you.

"I already ate all mine," Naruto whined, clutching his head in exasperation.

"Same, and I even ate all of Sasuke-san's snacks too," You groaned earning a chuckle from Kakashi.

As you all walked there was a moment of silence as the gears silently turned in Sasuke's head.

"YOU DID WHAT?!" Sasuke shouted suddenly, causing you all to jump.

You smirked attempting to cover up your nerves as you watched him suddenly whip off his backpack and begin searching for the snacks he would no longer find. This wasn't going to fare well for you...

Sasuke's eyes shot up at you, burning with rage. You nervously gulped and said, "Well finders keepers... right?" You joked.

"I'm going to kill you Miku-san!" Sasuke growled as he began to chase after you.

"Eep!" You shouted narrowly missing Sasuke's grip as you bolted in the other direction.

At some point you both became estranged from the group as you chased each other around. Eventually Sasuke caught you, grabbing your shirt and using it to throw you to the ground. You turned midfall and grabbed at his shirt in hopes of using it to remain upright, only for him to come toppling down on top of you instead.

"Oww!" You whined as you felt crushed under his weight.

"Baka! Why did you grab my shirt!" He growled as he pushed himself up, resting his upper body weight on his forearms to look at you.

"Well I didn't think your dobe ass would fall! I thought you were strong enough to use to keep myself up!" You said glaring back at him with a smirk.

Healing Demons [Gaara x Reader/OC x Sasuke]Where stories live. Discover now