Chapter 10 | Life or Death Part 3

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The mirrors were cracking but to your disdain they wouldn't break. Haku turned to face you as he threw Naruto back across the battlefield. "NARUTO-KUN!" You shouted as you saw his body roll away before coming to a stop. He usually springs right back up but his body remained still. Even with all that new found chakra... how was he unable to defeat Haku? And how were you supposed to fight Haku now? You didn't have some freakish chakra out of nowhere to use to help you now...

- - - - - - - - - -

You glanced back towards Naruto and then Sasuke. His eyelids were heavier as they drooped but the fear in them hadn't left. You cursed yourself for not being able to heal him fast enough, and now without Naruto you had to face this all alone to try to protect them when you weren't even sure if they would make it by the end of this battle. How had things gotten like this? It was going to be a fun mischievous day on the bridge poking fun at your sensei and the others. And now Team 7 were all in trouble.

With one last look at Sasuke, your shouted at him for the last time, "You better hang in there, we said together forever! If you go - I go, stay with me Sasuke-san!" It was the last declaration you could make, and a grave one at that. You knew he was dying, and you knew facing Haku alone you would only share the same fate. So despite telling him to hang in there, the together forever part... you knew would mean in death.

You gritted your teeth and continued pouring more and more chakra into your Electrocution Jutsu. The mirrors began shattering from those closest to you and were heading straight toward Haku's most recent reflection. A glint from his hands let you know that another rain of senbon were sent your way but you refused to move out of the way. You were too close to success, your friends were dying, this was now or never.

You stood your ground and super charged the jutsu to a strength you had yet reached with it as senbon after senbon pierced your flesh. You cried out in pain from the fresh wounds and fell to one knee after the last mirror broke. You were panting heavily leaning on one of your knees as you felt your hair pulled back to find yourself staring into Haku's eyes. They were sad, the same sort of sadness you looked at when you saw yourself in a mirror. The type of sadness you were so good at hiding from your friends whenever you were out with them, but when you were alone... the loss of your family and the feelings of being alone in the world caught up to you hard. And were losing your new found family in your friends. A pang in your chest surged, and not from any physical wound.

"What has he gone through?" You wondered as he leaned closer to you.

"What do you fight for? Why are you fighting so hard when your friends are dead, and you will be too. You should have run when you had the chance. I don't want to hurt you." He said softly to you. His whole mood confused you. He was your enemy but there was something off about him that made you feel he wasn't a normal enemy, he wasn't trying to destroy you so harshly and quickly like other opponents had. So what was his hesitation? Why was he so soft in comparison?

"I will never give up on them." You replied just before a coughing fit.

"You can't even help yourself. I fight for Zabuza, so you must be destroyed along with your friends." Haku said flatly as he rose his fist up to punch you. He froze and turned his attention to Zabuza. He was losing the fight to Kakashi. You smirked.

"And you can't help your beloved teammate anymore than I can help mine," You spat venomously, your eyes darkening. No matter how sad or how much you related to this boy in some way, you knew that there was no way you were going to let that feeling take over you when your friends lives were at stake. You needed to harden your feelings and finish your job – by doing everything to stop those two, even if it means death.

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