Chapter 19 | Memory Lane

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"Save her? She's dead! There's no saving her," Sasuke cried angrily as he attempted to charge up another Chidori.

"Enough! If you have doubts about saving her then save if for yourself. I'm done with this mess, you're acting reckless and without care for those who live in Konoha. Put that Chidori away," Kakashi shouted angrily as he performed some quick hand signs to temporarily seal Sasuke's chakra.

Sasuke struggled at first but then groaned in frustration. His chest was still heaving heavily with his anger and exertion from attempting to fight Kakashi. The looks the exchanged for that moment were tense to put it lightly.

"Now I will be back, take care of Naruto," Kakashi said firmly.

"I'm not taking care of Naruto. And you can't leave, what about the Chunin Exams everyone has been talking about?" Sasuke asked bitterly as he turned to look away and glare at the ground.

"I'm glad you can be so focused on yourself," Kakashi said with sarcasm. "If you really want to compete then find a third and join, I've already given my recommendations months ago for you both. You don't need me there, so if I'm not back in time then do it yourself."

Sasuke only continued to glare at the ground as Kakashi turned and finished making his way to the gates. Nothing would stop him from tracking down and finding Tsunade. Nothing.

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With the help of his canine trackers and his own highly trained tracking skills, it only took a few days before Kakashi found Tsunade. As he stepped into the casino, his eyes settled on her easily. She looked like she hadn't aged a day with her long blonde locks and youthful face. He observed her from afar quietly, watching her lose a few rounds before she grumpily pulled herself away from the table. Evidently, she gambled away her last dollar for the day.

She hadn't appeared to notice him yet as she made her way to the exit and nearly brushed past him. "Tsunade-sama," Kakashi interjected, a hand catching the edge of her green jacket sleeve to stop her from leaving just yet.

"Who in the – Kakashi-san?" Tsunade began angrily ripping her arm away before her eyes met a familiar set. She noticed how much older he looked despite how young he was supposed to be. His hair was a bit longer but more ragged than it used to be, and his eyes look tired and worn.

"Yes, I'm sorry to have to bother you on such short notice – but I have an important favor to ask you that's urgent," He rushed out quickly. They both stepped out into street as the evening sky began to dull and change into the night sky. It was growing warmer out than it had been in months, an impending sign of the next season already on its way.

"I'm not one for favors, you know that. I'm done doing business for Konoha and have been for a long time. You can tell that old man to shove it as far as I'm concerned. I'm sorry you wasted a trip all the way out here," She replied coolly as she dug through her purse for a cigarette.

"This has nothing to do with Lord Third. In fact, this is something he didn't want to waste his time on at all," Kakashi replied with slight annoyance as he dug for a lighter. Tsunade had been digging fervently into the purse still which seemed to signal her lack of a light.

As he lit her cigarette, Tsunade stared at him carefully. "Why should I waste my time on something the Hokage doesn't even want to spend time on? He may be a crank but he isn't stupid," She responded. A puff a smoke filled the air a few moments later. He motioned for her to walk with him and they both made their way down the street. The silence was tense as he led her into a local tavern.

"I'll explain over some drinks, my treat," He said with a curt nod and smile. He knew she couldn't say no to a little bribe, especially since her love a drinks and free things was never ending. She perked up instantly and smiled back as she happily plunked down in one of the booths at the tavern. Kakashi followed suit and as their first round arrived he ran his hands through his hair anxiously.

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