Chapter 29 | From Mundane to Hero Part 2

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"This has to have an opening somewhere," You wondered frantically as you felt there was no light at the end of this tunnel. "What if this isn't an opening, just an aimless tunnel?" You groaned in both frustration and panic. You had assumed it was an opening but there was no actual way of knowing where this tunnel would dump out or if it would even empty into an open cavern somewhere. This thought began to dig and claw into the front of your consciousness the further you dragged yourself down and through each tight nook and cranny. If you had to go backwards you weren't quite sure how you would manage that since dragging yourself forward was hard enough. In all your thoughts you hadn't realized your defenses were down in sensory before a huge blast shot up through the rocks you were dragging yourself through.

In seconds the rock beneath your crumbled and broke away as you felt the wind knocked out of you. You felt the sudden breeze on your cheeks and as you peeled your eyes open and adjusted to something other than pitch black – you realized you were falling. And not just anywhere, but right in the middle of the front of the entire Akatsuki...

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Miku's P.O.V.

"Fuck." You muttered aloud as you rolled out of the way of a second attack. You realized you'd dropped your guard, gotten sloppy with your chakra scent coverage. You would have to beat yourself up later as you back flipped away attack after attack. At this rate, you were wondering how you could ever gain the upper hand and assess the situation. All you've been doing is dodging wild attacks from several Akatsuki members.

Sweat broke out over your brow before you finally concealed your chakra and flashed quickly into a nook that was not directly visible to the members. You could hear them talking amongst themselves. It appeared they were considering how to handle your sudden arrival and whether to dispatch one member from the group to finish you off or several. You leaned your head back quietly as you stared up at the ceiling. You so badly wanted to peak around your spot to see what was happening, but all could see from where you were sitting was small flashes of light.

"I wonder how many are there..." You thought to yourself before you suddenly heard them quiet down. You froze instinctively as you listened for any sudden movement or voices again. A pair of feet landed with soft crunches over the grit left on the rock floor. "Ah, I see they've chosen one at a time..." You thought with a smirk. "Idiots." You chuckled internally.

"Ah Miku-san, won't you come out to play?" A voice called out to you from afar. "We've been waiting such a long time for you, I'd hate to wait a moment longer," He goaded again after a tense silence.

"Waiting for me?" You wondered with furrowed brows. Your cockiness at a one on one battle shook. There was a piece of information you were missing, and they knew you by name. This usually didn't go well in battle. You bit your lip and quietly banged your wrists on your forehead. "Think Miku! You're wasting time!" You thought angrily as you thought of your next move.

"Tch, fine. I'll come find you myself!" He replied angrily as you could here his pace pick up and aimed directly in your position. He had just been toying with you, he knew exactly where you were. "Damn," You scoffed angrily as you rolled out of the way of an explosion.

"Ah – see ~ was that so hard?" A blonde man spoke to you. Your eyes quickly scanned the room around before responding. It was somehow well lit in the cavernous cave, terra colored stone made up everything from the ground up. In the center of the room several tall stone columns could be seen which atop were several more Akatsuki members based on their matching attire to the blonde's. In the center of them surrounded by bright strands of chakra was Gaara. Your breath hitched as you saw him. He seemed so lifeless as he dangled high up in the air, his face relaxed and head slacked back.

Healing Demons [Gaara x Reader/OC x Sasuke]Where stories live. Discover now