Chapter 11 | The Aftermath

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"What about Miku-san?!" Kakashi yelled as he sent Zabuza flying backward once more. With a Chidori charged in one hand, his last one, he knew he couldn't miss. He quickly appeared in front of Zabuza and plunged his hand into his chest while sending his other first powerfully into his head with a loud crack of the bone flooding the soundwaves.

"No pulse either sensei!" Sakura cried out. "They're all gone!" She sobbed as Tazuna tried to rub her shoulders in an attempt to soothe the girl.

Kakashi let go of Zabuza's lifeless body and turned toward his last student. "No..." He choked out softly as he walked toward the group. However he froze in place when he suddenly saw Miku's eyes glow a dark forest green and her lifeless body sat up.

"What the – Miku-san?!" Sakura cried out only to be cut off by Miku roughly grabbing her shirt. "A-are you ok –" She was cut off again when Miku rammed her skull against Sakura's forehead and used her other hand to keep their foreheads connected.

"Takahashi Host REVIVAL," Miku declared robotically. It didn't sound like Miku's voice anymore and within seconds a blinding light covered the two and as it cleared, Sakura's body collapsed.

"Sakura-san?!" Kakashi and Tazuna cried out in unison as they rushed to try to aid Sakura. As they ran their hands over her they realized she no longer had a pulse and was no longer breathing. They turned to look at Miku who was still sitting up, eyes still glowing that same haunting dark forest green. As they stared they began to notice that her wounds were healing at an astonishing speed from the inside out and within seconds she was fully healed.

"Miku-san? How? What is this?" Kakashi stuttered out in amazement as Sakura's lifeless body still lay in his hands. He looked between the two before the dots began to connect. His eyes widened as he looked back to Miku once more to see the glow gone and Miku clutching her forehead in pain.

She omitted a grunt of discomfort as her grovelly voice spoke, "Ai... what happened?" Her eyes slowly opened and as he could tell they were back to their normal dark color. Her eyes quickly wondered between Sakura, Kakashi and Tazuna before landing back to the area far behind them with Sasuke and Naruto.

"N-no... No... NO!" She cried out sitting up quickly onto her knees and assessing Sakura's status. She tried in vain as she quickly tried to heal her with her chakra, but it was no use. "This can't be! I thought I was dreaming, I felt her life force replacing mine but I didn't realize that that was real! How could this be? I was dead... I was gone...but now –" Miku choked out as tears began falling freely in large numbers down her cheek.

Kakashi looked sadly at the girl. He remembered a similar feeling when he felt responsible for his own teammates deaths. This clearly was some part of the Takahashi kekkei genkai as it seemed innate within the girl and she had no idea what was happening.

He let go of Sakura's lifeless body and clung quickly to Miku, holding her closely as sobs wracked through her body. "Shh... it's okay Miku-san. You didn't know. It must be something to do with your kekkei genkai... that's the only explanation," He spoke softly and compassionately to her.

"I'm...I'm a MONSTER! A murderer!" She cried out, her small hands clutching Kakashi's vest tightly.

"No, you are no monster. You had no control, and you had no ill intention. If you were in control of yourself this would not have happened. I will take this to my grave Miku-san, no one will know how this happened. And we fill find out more of your family's history to see if we can't control this or find out more of what's going on." Kakashi said as he rocked Miku-san back and forth.

"I-I... okay," Miku-san said inbetween her sobs. She definitely did not feel like any less of a monster and had no idea how to process and get through this but she did the only thing she could right now, put her trust into her sensei and cling to him like no other.

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