Chapter 15 | Possession and a Friend's Acceptance [Lemon]

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A/N: Lemon is marked by ****. Towards the end the chapter resumes as normal. 

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Miku's P.O.V.

The exhaustion hit you bright an early as you stirred in bed. There was a slight pain between your legs that sent you jolting up in a panic. "...It WASN'T a dream?!" You thought incredulously. It almost felt like a dream, you had been exhausted after training and the way Sasuke behaved was so out of character... but that painful ache between your legs told you otherwise. With shaky hands, you slowly pulled the covers back to see the dried blood across the sheets and the flakes of dried blood from once fresh trickles from your womanhood.

There was no question now, you had lost your virginity to Sasuke Uchiha. You flung the sheets back over your lower half partly in embarrassment for the mess you would need to clean. Inhaling and exhaling so quickly, you felt your heart was going to explode as images of the night before flashed through your mind. Every touch, every kiss, every word. Your hand found its way to your lips as you were lost in thought remembering the intense sensations you felt.

You hadn't noticed the figure that was once still sleeping beside you. Sasuke had sat up rubbing his eyes sleepily as he too began to fill in the blanks of what was reality or not. As he looked to you he smirked and took your hand in his. "Ooh-" You managed to squeak out. "Miku-chan... last night... was real." He started slowly as his fingers interlaced with yours. You nodded frantically with a reddened face. Before you could say anything Sasuke abruptly spoke again, "I'm...glad."

Within seconds your heart stopped beating. "He's glad?! Does he have... Is he feeling..?" Your thoughts surged in confusion and anticipation. The sweat on your skin increased slightly as your heart resumed beating quickly. It wasn't purposeful, but you turned your head quickly away and clutched your chest as you stared out the window. The day had just begun it seemed, the sunrise coloring the sky all sorts of soft and mesmerizing colors. This moment would have been perfect for anyone. A boy that made your heart sputter out of control, saying he was glad to have spent the night with you like that... but something still felt amiss and you couldn't place it. You had so many emotions swirling around because a part of you did enjoy that and it was a great relief to feel a little lighter today than you have been in months.

Sasuke squeezed your hand reassuringly as he began to pull the covers off the bed to get up. You could feel the tension as his hand quickly tightened around yours and released, so subtle that if you weren't paying attention you wouldn't have noticed. However, you could tell it was going to happen as you had watched his face when he removed the cover. His face changed from serene to pained.

"Miku-chan... were you... did I just take your... are you hurt?!" Sasuke blurted out in a panic. It wasn't often one would catch the Uchiha so innocently caught off guard like this. He seemed almost like a young teen with that expression.

It was nearly impossible to keep in as the embarrassment faded to laughter as his facial expression. You patted his shoulder in an attempt to both answer him and console him. The poor boy was even more confused by this staring from you to the stain on the sheets. He gripped both your hands and clasped them together with his.

"I'm so sorry – I-I didn't know... I wouldn't have been so – erm... aggressive?" Sasuke said sheepishly. His temperament when he understood that it wasn't just any old sexual encounter for you, and that there was more than just pleasure involved – there was pain, he lost his husky aggression that he shared last night.

It grew quiet between you two once more as you stifled so more chuckles. When you lifted your eyes to meet his again, his cheeks grew hot and red. You laughed softly as you leaned forward placing one hand on his chest and a kiss on his cheek. He wrapped his arms around you and gripped you tightly as he whispered more quiet apologies, nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck. "Who knew the infamously cold and distant Uchiha would be such a softie out of the public eye?" You mused internally as you now stood up from the bed as well. You wrapped the bed sheet around your body to cover yourself in front of him as he stood before you still nude. It took most of your willpower not to soak up his image like that, with the warm beams of light from the rising sun on his body. Instead, you focused on finding some fresh towels so both of you could shower.

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