Chapter 18 | I Can't Give Up on You

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The girls skin was cold to the touch, and nearly as grey as the skies above. Kakashi began to wildly shake her in an attempt to wake her up. But he knew it would be unsuccessful. Before turning over the Takahashi scrolls to her he had read them himself. He knew exactly what she had done. She had performed the forbidden jutsu that was the opposite force of the one that she had accidently used to take Sakura's life. It gave her life force to him to save him. He brushed her long black strands of hair out of her face as he began to cry softly over her.

"How could you... I said to let me die here, you were the one who was supposed to live on... I don't deserve to live like you do," Kakashi cried out as he punched the ground. He laid across your chest and held you tightly to him. No one was around to watch him suffer quietly trying to accept your death and the situation. He felt he didn't have it in him to lose more comrades and live on like this. He laid there for a few more moments, his soul utterly crushed before a look of determination fell over his features.

"There has to be a way... I can't let this end here," He said aloud to himself as he swiftly got up. He executed the instruction he gave to Miku-san before she executed that fateful jutsu. Everyone else was dead and he sealed the team and Shuji in a scroll before heading swiftly off to Konoha. He would be damned if he couldn't try to save someone's life at the end of this. He was determined to change the fate of this battle, and someone in Konoha would surely be able to figure out how.

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His feet thundered across the branches with lightning speed as his muscles burned for him to stop pushing himself further and further. Konoha was just visible in the tree lines now. Despite the strong cries of his body that he was at his limit he kept pushing himself to move faster, to get back to Konoha and save her. Her body was currently preserved in a scroll, buying him some precious time. He had no time to mourn for his other comrades as his whole focus became Miku. She was his student, his friend... he had let himself become so close to her and he couldn't see anything else but his mission to save her. He just couldn't let her go. If she was gone forever he felt deep inside him that he couldn't live on, feeling responsible for her death as he had his previous team members, friends, family. It was a turning point for Kakashi, a test of faith. If there truly was anything worth living for, if there was any greater being in the universe that could change the hands of time, the course of the present and future... he needed that sign. He needed it now.

Within seconds of arriving in Konoha he burst through the Hokage's door in a flurry.

"Kakashi-san, what is the meaning of this? You can't just barge in here –" Lord Third barked at the sudden appearance of a masked but familiar Kakashi.

Kakashi cut him off quickly, having time to think and time for his anger to burn in his chest. "Meaning of this? What is the meaning of that mission? What was the back there?! Everyone is dead. Dead, Lord Third." He retaliated with venom in his tone. He tossed the sealed scrolls onto the Hokage's desk and they clamored loudly across the desk, knocking over various trinkets and paperwork that previously were laid neatly on his desk.

"Dead? What do you mean everyone is dead?" The Lord ask as he clasped his hands together, pressing them to his lips in a stern expression.

"Don't take me for an idiot. That black chakra Shuji used was unlike any chakra I've ever seen. I don't even know what nature it holds. It desecrated the battlefield, destroyed lives... a whole forest and village. Where was that in the report? Were we just lambs to slaughter?" Kakashi cried out uncharacteristically showing unhinged emotions. His fists crashed hard onto the desk as he tore his face mask off. It scattered away across the floor.

The Hokage clicked his tongue in annoyance as he averted his eyes. "We were aware he had some special type of chakra since he was a boy, but it was not at that magnitude when he last resided in Konoha."

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