Chapter 30 | How Did I Become the Demon?

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"What? That was a puppet?" You said in disbelief.

"One of my best. After I'm finished with you, I'll have to work on that weak point. What a lucky blow," He said with an irritated smirk.

Just as he attempted to lunge at you Sasuke appeared before him holding his arm. "She's mine, go work on breaking her shield over that asshole," He spoke darkly to the guy.

You stiffened at the sight of him. He seemed so different now. His hair was longer, his facial features more menacing. He'd truly let himself become the very demons that haunted him.

"Ah Miku-chan, you don't look so happy to see me. After all these years, I thought you were dead. Yet here you come, prancing along, to save some scrappy little jinchuuriki." He said with clear resentment.

You glared at him in the same resentment. "Prancing in? I'm here to save a friend while you try to hurt them, as always." You snapped back.

"Tsk. I'm only trying to help you realize where you belong. You belong with strong people like me. Did you know I already defeated my brother? I even took his place in the Akatsuki. You surround yourself in weaklings and set such low goals for yourself. I will help you grow, not stifle you. If you just stop all this now and come with me we can end this, I can keep you safe and sound," Sasuke responded as he approached you with an outstretched hand. You instinctively slapped it away and put more distance around you.

"Just like you kept me safe before?" You scoffed as you returned to your fighting stance. Your violet chakra giving out and your wings dissipated.

"Awe, look. Are you sure you have the energy to be mouthing off like that?" Sasuke said with a smirk before he lunged at you. You were deep in hand to hand combat before you looked over and realized your shield had broken.

"Gaara-kun!" You screamed at the top of your lungs. It seemed like slow motion as you watched him finally stir and slowly open his eyes to look at yours before noticing his attacker. You outstretched your hand and sent a Chidori to interrupt the attack which turned to be successful but caused you to lose your upper hand with Sasuke.

Gaara flinched expecting to feel the blow only to see you had deflected it for him. When he turned to look at you his heart dropped. Your body was lifeless as Sasuke held the collar of your clothes, his piercing Sharingan staring into your soul. You were lost to his genjutsu...

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Gaara's P.O.V.

Your heart was beating out of your chest as you felt air sucked back into your lungs. You weren't sure how long you had been out or what had happened beyond fighting a blonde-haired Akatsuki member in your village. But just as your eyes shot open you could see another man you'd never seen coming at you. You tried to get out of the way, but your body was proving too sluggish and uncoordinated, like a newborn foal. You swore under your breath and closed your eyes hoping your sand might protect you once more but feeling no such protection swarming around you.

In the distance you could hear the sounds of clashing weapons and bodies mixed with some familiar voices you had yet to place before a bright flash forced your eyes open again as you saw a ball of lightning crashing into your attacker sending him flying off into a wall of stone. He fell limp at the base, further crushed by the shattering stones around him. You turned in the midst of it all to see Miku's arm outstretched toward you with a look of horror, beads of sweat mixed with blood pouring down her face.

Your eyes widened at her presence and your mind racing trying to connect the dots. Your eyes flitted quickly to a movement just behind her only to see exactly the predicament before you. The Uchiha was closing the gap between himself and Miku so quickly your heart thundered in your chest in fear. You cursed this body for being unable to move no matter how hard you willed it back. "MIKU!" You tried to shout but only coughed out in shallow breaths. You could only helplessly watch as he grabbed her collar roughly and turned her to quickly to face him. His Sharingan already activated ...her body fell limp in his arms...and you knew. You had seen this before in Konoha, and your eyes burned with rage. She was lost to whatever he wanted to subject her to...and there was nothing you could do about it.

Healing Demons [Gaara x Reader/OC x Sasuke]Where stories live. Discover now