Chapter 34 | Friends...but with a little more passion

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"Well if you wouldn't mind displaying this great speed of yours, I might be inclined to believe you – but as you stand still I think the answer is clearly that I'm just far superior –" She began to retort before you cut her off as you went 0 to 100 in full speed toward the markets. Leaping from roof top to roof top, her hands gripped you tight as to not fall off, one hand wrapping around your neck slightly grasping the back of your hair. Your heart thumped loudly in your chest. Had she any idea what her harmless touches do to you.

While you'd worked to become more comfortable around her yourself, being able to crack small jokes here and there to participate in her playfulness... you hadn't quite been able to control how your body reacted to her touch. It took a lot of will power to settle yourself down and a lot of friends only mantras in your head to create the outward appearance of just that, a friend – not a man full of love and desire feeling as if he's incinerating from the inside out. You were certainly closer, but not close enough.

How I would pray that as these weeks turned into months, months into years, that I would see that same look of love when she looked at me – even just one more time. I'd be happy.

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Miku's P.O.V.

"Thanks for hanging out with me today, it was actually really fun!" You said as you and Gaara arrived back at the office.

"Mm, it was," He said nonchalantly as he continued to stare ahead. In some ways you wondered how you became friends with a guy who says so little. Even while walking around the market it seemed like if you weren't initiating conversation it would simply die off into silence. But for some reason, you felt at ease with him still. The silence between you two wasn't totally uncomfortable. And he was easy on the eyes... the thought causing a small blush to form on your cheeks as you shyly slow your pace behind his steps to hide it.

He paused and turned to look at you with an arched brow, "Is everything ok, Miku-chan?" Your heart thundered in your chest as you flushed even worse and turned around.

"Ah~ of course, I'm just a little tired from walking around so much, it's uh... hard to keep your pace you know?" You lied quickly as you took quick, pointed breaths to try to calm your nerves.

"Oh... you don't have to help me with my paperwork you know." He said suddenly after a moment of silence. He began to turn back around to head to his office but suddenly a burst of energy shot through you and you reached quickly out to grab his hand.

"N-no, I promised I would for distracting you. There's no need to have you work so hard by yourself when I'm the reason you have extra work now." You said with the best reassuring smile you could muster.


"H-hey, wait up!" You shouted after his lack of response and jogged to catch up to him.

As you entered his office it was an unfamiliar pitch black. You hadn't see his office that often and when you did it was during the day. But as the sun had set not long ago, now the office was filled with complete darkness.

"Oh – how are we going to get anything done in this abyss?" You joked as you fumbled your way to finding the familiar chair in front of his desk.

"I think there are some candles around here somewhere..." He mumbled to himself, a small chorus of clinking objects and shuffled papers resounded around him.

After a few moments of quietly sitting in the chair listening to the sounds of his fervent searching, a small gasp of success could be heard earning a chuckle from you.

"You got lucky?" You asked into the darkness.

"Mmm, but I can't find something to light these," He said with some frustration as he continued to shuffle around.

Healing Demons [Gaara x Reader/OC x Sasuke]Where stories live. Discover now